Post Eagle Newspaper


Feb 14, 2025

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Time Now


WOMAN’S WAY – November 21st

“Kismet / Love” (As taken from “A Woman’s Guide To Survival Series”, Volume XII, Article 41 – written by Alexis Vale)

It does not happen very often in your life…..but if you are intuitive enough you will recognize its promptings.   Kismet….ignore it and walk away, or revel in it and walk into it….for all it is worth. Kismet is Fate   Fate happens when you are not looking…….and not looking for it. You are totally taken by surprise. It is an exciting thing to behold…because you were in the right place at the right time!   To give an example: You may have been down that road, or been that way before but you never stopped or took the time to pay attention to your inner promptings. (Your inner-promptings “may need some training” when YOUR FEELINGS GO ONE WAY AND YOUR THOUGHTS GO ANOTHER.) Such as I’ll do that later, I’ll get around to that. But, you are not comfortable with it because it keeps prying on your mind, “do it, do it”.   I remember a time in my life when I was dining at a lovely restaurant, reveling in the beautiful country setting alongside a babbling brook. I never forgot it and I never could put my finger on it….but years later I was going past that same place and meeting up with someone special in my life…Kismet!   I always felt that “something was there for me”…but as fate would have it, it just wasn’t ready to show itself till years later.   Fate brings you to a place, Kismet brings the person to you.   You could have searched the world over, looked for a needle in a haystack, knocked yourself out with all kinds of dead-end paths that you went down, but Kismet will find you…. when the timing is right for both the people involved.   In the meantime, go about your life with a smile on your face….knowing there is more to come!