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Feb 17, 2025

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Wisniewski Calls Out
Senators Booker & Menedez

SAYREVILLE, NJ — At a packed Town Hall event this past weekend, Assemblyman John Wisniewski (D-Sayreville) called the failure of Senators Menendez and Booker to vote to allow the importation of cheaper prescription drugs “profoundly disappointing”. The comments came during a discussion on the need for cheaper prescription drugs that took place during U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders’ National Day of Action called, “Our First Stand: Save Health Care,” held at Hudson County Community College in Jersey City.

In addition to the discussion on cheaper prescriptions, Assemblyman Wisniewski outlined what the repeal of the Affordable Care Act would do to New Jerseyans. He said that, “health care coverage for New Jersey faces a statewide crisis of uncertainty that threatens our health and economic future.” Assemblyman Wisniewski also shared in his belief that “health care is a basic human right”.

Assemblyman Wisniewski also called for the state to begin exploring a single-payer system as a backstop against the potential of a full Affordable Care Act repeal without an alternative in place. The Assemblyman pledged “to discuss affordable healthcare solutions and single-payer, Medicare-for-all options throughout my campaign for governor across New Jersey.”

Lastly, the Assemblyman outlined his opposition to privatization of Medicare as an unrealistic scheme that would not improve health care. He told the audience that, “many Republicans fantasize about privatizing Medicare… Let’s be clear: That is just another Wall Street scheme to destroy a single-payer health care program that has worked just fine for 50 years!”

The day concluded with a session on how the audience could get involved in the fight to save the Affordable Care Act. Campaign Manager Robert Becker led the audience in ways they could take direct action to ensure their voices were heard by their elected officials. Assemblyman Wisniewski stressed that it would take the collective effort of everyone in New Jersey.

The entire event can be viewed at

John Wisniewski has served in the New Jersey General Assembly since 1995. As Chairman of the Transportation Committee, Wisniewski led the fight against former Governor Jon Corzine’s attempt to privatize and sell the New Jersey Turnpike and first exposed Governor Christie’s “Bridgegate” scandal. He is the former New Jersey State Democratic Party Chair and recently chaired U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders’ presidential effort in the Garden State. Born and raised in Sayreville, Assemblyman Wisniewski is an attorney and small business owner in his hometown.

John Wisniewski for Governor press release