Post Eagle Newspaper


Feb 17, 2025

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New Jersey

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Will PolAms Soon Need
Visas To Visit Poland
And Other EU Countries?

The European Parliament (EP) has passed a non-binding resolution calling for the reintroduction of visa requirements for American citizens visiting Poland and any of the other 26 EU countries. That move has raised the stakes in a long-running battle over the United States’ refusal to grant visa-free access to citizens of Poland and four other EU nations. At present, US citizens may travel visa-free and spend up to 90 days in the EU. If they leave the EU briefly (from Poland they could cross over into Russia, Belarus or Ukraine), they can presumably re-enter Poland without a visa and stay another three months. In the EP, European lawmakers played tit-for-tat in their dispute with the United States, demanding restrictions on American travelers unless the Trump administration lifts travel requirements for citizens of Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Poland and Romania.

– Robert Strybel