Post Eagle Newspaper


Jan 19, 2025

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Wayne K of C Celebrates
Founder’s Beatification

NEW JERSEY – The Knights of Columbus, Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Council #11943, Wayne, recently celebrated a Mass of Dedication for the Founder of the K of C, Blessed Fr. Michael J. McGivney, a diocesan, parish priest, who was recently beatified and declared “blessed” by Pope Francis, the penultimate step before Canonization where he would become a Saint. In photo: Blessed  Michael J. McGivney Banner at the entrance to the church.

In the late 1800’s, accidents, disease, dangerous jobs took the lives of many of the Catholics in the New Haven, CT area that affected his beloved parishioners which left many widows and orphans with no financial needs to continue living a normal life thus becoming destitute with no social safety net.  Wanting to do something, he created a mutual-benefit society which would be this safety net so that widows and orphans wouldn’t have to face unspeakable miseries.  The organization also gave the men a place to gather and network without facing anti-Catholic bigotry.

Annunciation Council 11943, under the direction of Grand Knight Michael C. DeBenedetto, Jr. wanting to recognize and honor Fr. Michael J. McGivney’s achievement, asked their pastor & council chaplain Fr.  Ricardo Ortega, Jr., if he can celebrate this special mass, hang commemorative banners at both entrances and donate space for a model shrine inside the church.  The Mass was celebrated by The Most Reverend Manuel A. Cruz, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Newark and the pastor Fr. Ricardo Ortega, Jr. In photo: the Blessed Michael J. McGivney Shrine at Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church, Wayne.

We pray that our founder will intercede for us and perform miracles so that, by the Grace of God, he will become a Canonized Saint in the near future.  To date, there are no diocesan and/or parish priests born in America who became a saint, we pray that our founder, Fr. Michael J. McGivney becomes a canonized saint! Fr. McGivney died during the Russian Flu Pandemic of 1889-1890; one of the worlds worst flu pandemics and was beatified 130 years later during the COVID-19 Pandemic.  Many knights, including myself have prayed for Fr. McGivney’s intercession for the safety of self, family and community and for the end of the COVID-19 Pandemic and for other intentions we may have.  Blessed Fr. Michael J. McGivney, Pray for Us!  In photo: Deputy Grand Knight, Louis Zecca, stands next to the portrait of Blessed Michael J. McGivney.

The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal benefit society, with more than 1.9 million members in over a dozen countries. Founded by Fr. McGivney to help provide financial aid to Catholic families. The Knights of Columbus also helps support a multitude of charitable causes. In the last decade, the Order has given more than $1.55 billion to charity. The Knights of Columbus set a new all-time record last year for charitable donations worldwide with $175,079,192 in donations and volunteered 73.5 million hours of service valued at $1.7 billion. Please consider joining us, In photo: Knights, Auxiliary Bishop Manuel A. Cruz, D.D., Archdiocese of Newark, Fr. Ricardo Ortega, Jr., Pastor; and the 4th-Degree Color Corps, pose for a picture.

Submitted by Peter Kueken, Jr., FDD.
