Winter Olympics
- PostEagle
- February 21, 2014
- Uncategorized
1. Abstains from food
6. Female sib
9. Like Homer Simpson’s head
13. Freeze
14. Notable time
15. Andrea Bocelli, e.g.
16. Third rock from the sun
17. “I thee ___”
18. Loosen laces, e.g.
19. *Number of participating Olympic sports
21. *Kerrigan’s nemesis
23. Nest egg
24. Poacher’s trophy
25. A small amount of liquid
28. Shining armor
30. Ultra bookworm
35. Viewer’s appreciation
37. Riyadh native
39. Yokel’s holler
40. Kournikova or Karenina
41. Nostrils
43. German mister
44. From center to perimeter of circle, pl.
46. Ricci of fashion
47. Nonclerical
48. *First Winter Olympics host
50. Solid part of wall
52. Code word
53. Mosque V.I.P.
55. Party bowlful
57. *Olympic athlete of yesteryear
61. *It happened on ice, 1980
65. Computer woe
66. Cowboy’s heel prod
68. Trial and _____
69. Unable to move
70. Funerary vase
71. More then one crocus
72. *Gold winning ice dancers, Torvill and ____
73. Pilot’s announcement, acr.
74. Exemplary
1. Medieval domain
2. Popular smoothie berry
3. #1 Down laborer
4. Little Richard’s “_____ Frutti”
5. Orb shape
6. Fastened stitches
7. Rage
8. Ascetic holy Hindu
9. Form a curve
10. Opposed to
11. Tender cut
12. Small amount of residue
15. *Eurasian winner of 88 medals but no winter ones
20. *Only Olympian to win Gold in summer and winter
22. Nile viper
24. Government system in pre-revolutionary Russia
25. *Keeps neck warm in Sochi?
26. Of an arm bone
27. Chinese bear
29. Persia
31. “Matilda” author
32. Beforehand
33. Waterwheel
34. *Relayed flame
36. Sacrifice for gain
38. Out of shape
42. Saudi Arabia native
45. Most frozen
49. Down Under runner
51. Do like Tarantino
54. Lock horns
56. Avoid an attack
57. Zealous
58. Collier’s office
59. A particular region
60. *Speed skaters often touch the ice making one
61. Madonna’s 2012 release
62. Field yield
63. Centers of activity
64. *American speed skating great
67. You know it when you see it?