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Feb 14, 2025

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Two-Year-Old British Boy Dead By Court Order

Heartless officials ignore Pope, Polish president, world opinion
Poles in Britain and Poland  tenaciously fought in “Alfie’s Army”

By Robert Strybel
Warsaw Correspondent

WARSAW–For several days, hundreds of Poles had been gathering outside the British Embassy here, praying and placing teddy bears, toys, flowers and votive lamps along the building. Some carried placards that read “God Save Alfie!” and “Don’t let Alfie die!” Another proclaimed: “Britain not so Great!” The situation was much the same outside British Consulates across Poland.

They were voicing their support for 23-month-old Alfie Evans suffering from a rare  degenerative neurological disease which has kept him in a semi-vegetative state since birth. Contrary to his parents’ wishes, doctors at Liverpool’s Alder Hey children’s hospital took Alfie off life support to facilitate his death, but the boy continued to live. 

His 21-year-old father Tom Evans asked Pope Francis to intervene, and the Italian government agreed to grant the boy citizenship and offered medical help. Alfie was to be whisked by helicopter to Rome where doctors at the Vatican’s Bambino Gèsu (Baby Jesus) hospital would attempt to save the toddler.

Polish President Andrej Duda expressed his support for the boy saiyng: “Alfie Evans must be saved! His brave little body has proved again that the miracle of  life can be stronger than death. Perhaps all that’s needed is some good will on the part of decision makers. Alfie, we pray for you and your recovery!”

Thousands of Poles signed a petition to President Andrzej Duda, asking him to grant the boy Polish citizenship so he could be covered by medical care in Poland,  Also in Liverpool, where the little boy’s life hung in the balance, immigrant Poles under their white and red flag were out in force as part of what was called “Alfie’s Army”. British media were surprised at the widespread Polish reaction.

But it was all in vain. In a demonstration of leftist hypocrisy, the British court prevented the boy being taken for treatment abroad claiming it was not” in the child’s best interest”. Apparently leaving him undiagnosed and untreated was! The court even refused to let Alfie’s parents take him home for his final days or hours on earth.

At the center of the controversy was Judge Anthony Hayden, a well-known advocate of homosexual parenting. He identifies with a the leftist-liberal ideological agenda that also includes easy divorce, easy abortion and easy euthanasia.

Alfie’s death five days after being taken off life support has been called a setback for Christian morality and an apparent victory for the left which does not acknowledge the sanctity of human life. But the worldwide social-media storm  against Britain’s judicial and medical bureaucrats showed that most people reject the Stalinist view of children being the property of the state authorities and parents should not interfere.