Truth And Justice For The Smolensk
Disaster Victims
The Smolensk Disaster, the death of Poland’s President Lech Kaczynski and all of the 95 other passengers aboard Polish Air Force One, above Smolensk North Military Airfield, in western Russia, on the morning of 10 April 2010, changed Polish politics. The Smolensk Disaster has divided Polish public opinion into two separate and unequal parts.
The small, but very active, minority of transformed communists, who dominate Polish government, economy, and most of the mass media, accept the official Kremlin explanation of the Smolensk Disaster expressed in the MAK Report. The Miller Commission Report, prepared by the transformed communists who rule in Warsaw, is a subservient echo of the Russian MAK Report.
It is in the vested interest of these transformed communists not to challenge the Kremlin’s fables, because continuity outweighs change in Poland’s recent history. Polish public opinion is becoming increasingly aware of this truth thanks to the meticulously documented recently published books by two Polish journalists, Dorota Kania and Olga Doleśniak-Harczuk. They show that the descendents, now into the fourth generation in some cases, of communists chosen by Stalin at the end of World War II to rule Poland are still doing so today. Is Poland truly sovereign today?
Thanks to the efforts of the Macierewicz Commission, an ad hoc group of patriotic Sejm Deputies who are carrying out an independent investigation of the Smolensk Disaster, no fair minded person can give credence to the Miller Commission or MAK Reports. Readers recall that the Sejm is the lower House of Poland’s national legislature.
Though the official explanations are discredited, the world community still requires a plausible explanation for the Smolensk Disaster. This is why the top priority for Polish Americans is to persuade Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) again to sponsor in the 113th Congress his Senate Concurrent Resolution 14 of May 2011, which called for an independent international investigation of the Smolensk Disaster.
By John Czop