Post Eagle Newspaper


Feb 9, 2025

32°F, scattered clouds
New Jersey

Time Now


The Tradition Continues

A new year brings with it new excitement. This year your Post Eagle will be celebrating the 50th Anniversary of its existence in October 2013. We here at the paper are very enthused about this event. Just think – 50 years of writing about the Polish-American community – from birthdays and anniversaries to political commentary, from polka music events to graduations and weddings, from travelogues about Poland to its hard fought hero-creating history and from crystallized memories of the past to hopeful projections of the future. The Post Eagle has seen it all, has defended the honor of its constituency and has instilled in its readership an inherent pride of its ethnic background.

It has successfully tackled anti-semites and championed those stalwarts who believed in the Polish American dream.

Beginning in 1963 with a simple goal of building up that scarred Polish American image, the Post Eagle gave our Polonia a stronger voice and made our readership aware of how important our heritage was.

Of course, this reality emanated from the Eagle’s staunch, aggressive yet prodigious editor – our own Chet Grabowski. It was his conceptual idea and he made it work, he made it a success and he kept on it – year after year after year. He created the Polish American organizations, he supported the political constituents, he fought tooth and nail for the advertising and he traveled the country tooting his one-man flute about how great the Polish Americans were and how much they meant to all of America.

His family of writers focused on history, heritage, current events, international implications as well as those perennial polka dances.

The Post Eagle ultimately became an all inclusive package of everything you needed to know about our ethnic community – that’s why it became such a success.

So this year of 2013 is our year to be proud. And we are going to reflect that pride by giving you glimpses of our past history – we will present them in picture-captions, in words of former columnists and in focused spotlights of some of our successes over the years. And then, during the last quarter of 2013, around the time when that first issue came out, we will have compiled some of those memories into a commemorative package – for all of you – you, of course, were the reasons for our ultimate success. You bought into that dream that Chet Grabowski envisioned. You helped him turn it into a reality.

So we say “thank you” – to all for those 50 years of sustenance, for those 50 years of support and for those 50 years of believing.

Thank you all and may you have a Happy, Healthy and Happy New Year!

Ed Wilczynski, former Associate Editor & “Our Polonia” columnist