Post Eagle Newspaper


Feb 17, 2025

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The Michigan Beat 7-2-14

It is finally summer after that long winter that many of us had in the United States. That means that there are many polka and other events to read about in the Michigan Beat. The Michigan Beat has gone out to Lake Michigan to a town called Grand Haven for the summer or as many call it, Grand Heaven. The Michigan Beat is teaching vacation bible school at the Parish of St. Patrick’s / St. Anthony’s the week that this article was written. This is an amazing parish / catholic community with many fine people. The pastor of this parish is Reverend William (Bill) Langlois, the       Children’s Ministry Coordinator is Rebecca Chicklon, the Middle School       Youth Coordinator is Tessie Jandernoa, and the Director of Faith Formation is Jeff Andrini. All of these people working for this parish are doing an amazing job with the Vacation Bible School. There are also many more wonderful people helping to run this Vacation Bible School, too many to list. The Michigan Beat is also helping out with Vacation Bible School this year, as I have done for several years. This year the Michigan Beat’s job is Site Leader for the program.

There was a polka festival in the middle of June at Little River Casino in Manistee, Michigan. This was the “Almost Summer Polka Fest”. The bands who performed were Virgil Baker & The Just For Fun Band, Leon Olson Show, and the Chardon Polka Band. As an added plus, there were door prizes!

In other news (polka news), Jimmy Sturr played Festival Square in Middletown, NY at the end of June. This was a free concert with Chris Caffery and Siberian Orchestra. June 28th it was off to Scranton, PA for the band.

Squeeze Box will be playing at the Milwaukee Polish Fest coming soon. Many of the top polka bands will be performing at this weekend. This is right across Lake Michigan from where the Michigan Beat is during the summer.

Steve Meisner will be leaving Wisconsin later this summer for the Frankenmuth Summer Music Fest. He has not played this festival for five years. This was after a 19 year run.

Note: If you would like to have your information in the Michigan Beat, please contact me today. This can be done by writing me at 258 Thornridge Ct. NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504 or email