Post Eagle Newspaper


Jan 19, 2025

32°F, scattered clouds
New Jersey

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Steven’s November Forecast

Aries – The Sun’s position aided by Jupiter places the spotlight on partner’s money and vested accounts.  Discussions dealing with mortgages, legal issues, vested accounts and partners’ money help to sort out financial planning.  Mars transits the western side of your solar chart and places the onus on personal and business relationships. The key to successful handling of the fiery planet is to acquiesce to the demands of others.  Sun enters your solar 9th house on the 21st where it will join the planet Saturn and places the spotlight on travel and education. Good time to seek education to improve work skills. Favorable dates 1-2-28-29-30

Taurus – The Sun enters the 7th house of your solar chart   where it will be joined by Jupiter and then Venus on the 6th. Spotlighting relationships,  business and personal commitments. Some of our Taurus friends may be getting married. If a relationship has not proven to be of value it is likely to fall by the wayside. Your employment situation can be a heated area of doubt and lack of support. Singular activity helps. Clandestine affairs should be avoided, someone may be watching you.     Sun enters your solar 8th house on the 21st and will place the spotlight on monetary situations –  credit cards, taxes, and mortgages – find ways and means of curbing expenses. Favorable dates 3-4

Gemini – The Sun advances to your solar 6th house where it will be joined by Jupiter and then Venus on the 6th.   Work, diet and health are areas of concern. Good timing for employment, counseling and updating your résumé. The Job search or seeking opportunity though education   proves to be advantageous. In the work place, the more secretive you are the better – not a time to trust coworkers or management. Sun enters your solar 7th house on the 21st placing the spotlight on relationships. You find yourself evolving around others, friends and   business associates therefore allow others to set the pace.  Favorable dates 5-6

Cancer – Your solar 5th house will be activated  by  the Sun, Jupiter and then Venus on the 6th – expect intense romantic  situations as your passions increase. Beware of jealousy and disagreements. Stand clear of a clandestine situation. You may be extremely emotional. Mars enters your solar 4th house on the   – careful when dealing with domestic issues. Place home improvements on the back burner   Sun enters your solar 6th house on the 21st   – this may be good timing to seek homeopathic healing. Consider a vacation away from the daily grind; you may need the rest. Favorable dates 7-8

Leo –The Sun – your omnipresent ruler – is joined by the planet Jupiter and then Venus on the 6th. Splendid time for home improvement and strengthening family ties. Backyard barbeque helps – invite discordant family members. Mars will transit your solar 3rd house and may cause friction with family members; stand clear of heated discussions – business and personal.  Saturn will test your romantic liaisons – one falls by the wayside.  After the 21st   romance, children and artistic pursuits are spotlighted. Romantic situations – your charm and persistence can win out. Favorable dates 9-10

Virgo – The Sun will transit your 3rd house. Where it will be joined by Jupiter and then Venus on the 6th  indicating a good time to purchase e – equipment in order to improve areas of communications. Be careful of what you promise to a loved one you will be held at your word. Family relations become more intense –it  may be the result of poor money management. Mars transits  your solar 2nd house and may cause frustration with monetary situations. Be not a borrower or a lender.  After the 21st consider improving family relationships. Relocating is a possibility due to a job change.    Favorable dates 11-12-13

Libra – Your money house is the area of great interest as the Sun joined by Jupiter and then Venus on the 6th.   Purchases, personal finances and your ability to enhance your income through investments can be rewarding. Much to do with family relationships – use caution with discordant family members.  Mars is in your sign and may cause difficulties with a loved one. Keep a low profile. Only promise what you can deliver – you will be held accountable. After the 21st  consider education to improve work skills. Purchase of electronic  equipment helps business and pleasure.   Favorable dates 14-15

Scorpio –Happy Birthday! When the Sun is in your sign, you are at your best, it creates a magnetic persona and increases your energy level  Jupiter will be transiting your sign for approximately one year . The nature of Scorpio impels others passionately and financially. Consider investments and improving your financial worth. Be rid of wasteful spending.   Venus enters your sign on the 6th increasing the passions – beware of jealousy. Stand clear of clandestine relationships. Sun enters your solar 2nd house on the 21st  placing the accent on your finances. Consider ways and means of increasing your monetary worth.   Favorable dates 16-17-18

Sagittarius – The mystical rays of a Scorpio Sun and your fortunate Jupiter ruler illuminate the most sensitive area of your solar chart. Use this to your advantage by going under cover, especially if you are researching or trying to investigate complicated issues. Seek opportunity through others who may have money making ideas. Saturn in your sign indicates a time to be cautious of career and business choices – health, diet and exercise need to be  medically monitored.  Venus will enter your solar 12th house on the 6th and forewarns of clandestine relationships. Someone may be following you. The Sun will enter your sign on the 21st. Happy Birthday!  Favorable dates 19-20

Capricorn –The Sun and Jupiter will occupy your solar 11th house of innovations. You gain through money making ideas from others. Venus enters that area on the 6th providing you with the power of attracting a sexual liaison and magnetic attraction to others. Mars transiting  your solar 10th house and will spotlight employment and business. Take command and forge ahead.  Your planetary ruler, Saturn, will occupy your solar 12th house where it will be joined by the Sun on the 21st. Research and investigations are highlighted. Consider rest and relaxation and your medical needs. Romantic liaison becomes more intense – not a good time to be demanding give others. Favorable dates 21-22-23

Aquarius – The Sun illuminates the career sector of your solar chart and will be joined by Jupiter and then Venus on the 6th indicating a need to be conscious of VIP’S, career and employment choices. A fortunate period that you have earned due to past performance. You are recognized by your piers as a experience worker.  Mars  transit to your 9th – you may have a need to change some of your philosophical views. Avoid traveling if you can at a distance.  After the 21st the Sun will shift to the 11th solar house where it will be in its natural position and can provide creativity, new friendships and possible raise in salary or a promotion.    Favorable dates 24-25

Pisces – The Sun will transit your solar 9th house where it will join by Jupiter and the Venus on the 6th placing the spotlight on education, travel and a change in your philosophical views. Good time for an Astrological update. Saturn transits your solar 10th house ending a 7 year cycle placing you in a dynamic position for career and employment. You are a proven commodity and will be recognized for your past efforts, Use caution when handling assets and investments – you may need counseling.  After the 21st the Sun will shift to your solar 10th house where it will be joined by Saturn placing the spotlight on career and employment issues. Meetings with VIP’s and employment counselors are positive areas. Favorable dates 26-27

– Steven Joseph Sinopoli is a renowned astrologer with over 32 years of experience. He has made numerous radio, stage and TV appearances.  Mr. Sinopoli is also the inventor of “The Astro Tarot,” a unique system for reading the tarot cards. To schedule an appointment call us at 973-778-1232.


Carmelina McCarthy

Jupiter the ruler of your Sign
Spiritual musings in the mind
Life manifests so much more
Opening many colored doors
Traveling to faraway places
Memorable images of faces
Journeys overflow with love
Stars can create from above