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Feb 9, 2025

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Steven’s May Forecast

Aries – The Sun will transit your money house and will be joined by Mercury on the 16th  placing the spotlight  on your monetary goals. Good timing for buying and selling.  Jupiter retrogrades in your 7th house causes indecision with personal and business issues. Uranus transits the  third 10 days of your sign and acts as a magnet attracting others – their is a need to be free.  The Sun enters your solar 3rd house on the 20th and will join Mars  spotlighting communications and your environment. Be careful when driving you may be accident prone. Favorable dates 21-22

Taurus Happy Birthday – The Sun will be joined by Mercury on the 15th  providing you with money making ideas. Advertising your needs and updating your profile are fortunate areas. Lots happening behind the scenes – Uranus in its last degrees of Aries continues to frustrate and  making you feel  distrusting with loved ones. Choose projects that require singular activity. After the 20th the Sun will enter your solar 2nd house where it will be joined by Mars. Guard compulsive spending and be careful of monetary investments – Use your  intuition  it can be right on.  Favorable dates 23-24

Gemini- The Sun will transit your solar 12th solar house where it will be joined by Mercury.   Research and behind the scenes investigation helps before initiating a project. Avoid discordant family members. Happy Birthday! The Sun enters your sign on the 20TH and because of the transits of Saturn and Neptune it would be wise to have your chart updated. Confusing aspects with business and personal issues. Favorable dates 25-26

Cancer – The Sun will transit your solar 11th house and will be joined by Mercury where it will spotlight friendships and innovative ideas   Pays to listen to those who have money making ideas. Romance with a friend a possibility – social aspects improve. Saturn causes disagreements  with those who service you. After the 20th the Sun will enter the most sensitive area of your solar chart. Research and behind the scenes investigation works well – stand clear of those who may not have your best interest at heart.  Prayer and meditation works well.   Favorable dates 1-27-28

Leo – Your omnipotent ruler the Sun falls in your 10th solar house and will join by the planet Mercury  placing the spotlight on employment and career. VIP’s and administrators assist you in establishing ways and means of becoming more productive. Employment or a business is impacted and can bring a new venture. Education to improve work skills can be productive. After the 20th the Sun enters your solar 11th house. Stand clear of friends who may not have your best interest at heart. Place personal issues on the back burner. Favorable dates 2-3-29-30-31

Virgo – The Sun has advanced to your 9th solar house where it will be joined by Mercury placing the spotlight on education, travel and improving your foresight. Use your intuitive powers it can be spot on. Jupiter retrogrades and can delay monetary transactions. Consult with monetary counselors for a better sense of direction. The Sun will enter Gemini on the 20th and will be joined by the planet Mars in your solar 10th house. A good time to make employment or business choices. Mars indicates you can surge ahead with a commitment or a better game plan.  Favorable dates 4-5-6

Libra – The Sun will be joined by Mercury and will impact your solar 8th house. This is the position that deals with your level of  consciousness:  Here are the areas of meditation and scrutiny 1) your security 2) What must be done to create a better lifestyle? 3) A sexual relationship. 4) Will education help to improve work skills? The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th and will transit your 9th house and will be joined by Mars. The aforementioned aspects will assist you in creating an optimistic outlook. Some of your philosophical views may be subjected to change. Consider education to improve work skills.  Favorable dates 7-8

Scorpio – The Sun falls in your solar 7th house where it will be joined by Mercury placing the spotlight on business and personal relationships. Legal advice and counselors are helpful in sorting out unresolved legal issues. The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th and will be joined by Mars your planetary ruler. The aforementioned transits will affect joint financial interest, credit cards, mortgages and litigation. Be cautious when dealing with brokers, accountants, and partnership funds – this aspect can lead to impulsive acts.  Favorable dates 9-10-11

Sagittarius – The Sun will transit your solar 6th house and will have an impact on how you are doing business with others. This position will shed light on   bookkeepers, co workers and health issues. Work projects go well, as you receive assistance from coworkers. Seek homeopathic ways of healing. Your energy level may be low due to the Saturn transit in your sign.  Sun enters Gemini on the 20th where it will be joined by Mars placing the spotlight on personal and business relationships. Stand clear of confrontations. Favorable dates 12-13

Capricorn – The Sun will transit your solar 5th house and will be joined by Mercury providing you with positive work solutions, and creative pursuits.  Saturn negatively placed in your solar 12th house can cause conflict with domestic issues and those who may not have your best interest at heart. Be careful when lifting – can affect your sciatica. The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th and will be joined by Mars placing the onus on coworkers and employment issues. Good time to create a new resume and visit employment counselors.    Favorable dates 14 -15

Aquarius – Real estate, relocating and home improvements are areas that will be impacted by the position of the Sun and Mercury transiting your 4th solar house. Good timing for home improvements.  Be careful with communication you may be irrational or short sighted thus  allowing others to get the upper hand.   The Sun enters your solar 5th house on the 20th and will be joined by Mars and may be the cause of frustration when dealing with a loved one or a domestic issue. Be careful of what you promise you will be held at your word. Favorable dates 16-17-18

Pisces – The Sun and Mercury will be transiting your 3rd solar house where it will impact family and financial responsibility. Home improvements, new furnishings and improving family relationships are productive areas. Your ruling planet Neptune can create a world of fantasy therefore be careful as not to be deceived by others. Also creates a high level of sensitivity. The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th and will be joined by Mars. You need to keep your domestic situation in check as family condition become frustrating. Favorable dates 19-20


– Steven Joseph Sinopoli is a renowned astrologer with over 32 years of experience. He has made numerous radio, stage and TV appearances.  Mr. Sinopoli is also the inventor of “The Astro Tarot,” a unique system for reading the tarot cards. To schedule an appointment call us at 973-778-1232.



Poet Carmelina McCarthy

Gemini 2017

Mercury rules the Gemini sign
Chatting away most of the time
Saturn in the Seventh this year
Learning lessons-nothing to fear
When Jupiter transits the Fifth
Loving treasures become a gift
Love, children and so much creativity
Expanding life becomes the activity