Post Eagle Newspaper


Feb 18, 2025

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Steven’s March Forecast

Aries – The Sun will occupy the most sensitive area of your solar chart until the 12th.  Suggest you avoid clandestine affairs and take health precautions such as diet and keeping medical appointments. Mercury retrogrades in the same  area as well until the 18th. The latter aspect may cause delay of a work project or miscommunication. After the 12th the planet Mars will enter your sign. Mars can add energy but you may be accident prone; slow down and avoid risky pursuits. Happy Birthday! The Sun will enter your sign on the 20th providing you with vitality and gusto. Your awareness changes for the better. Life becomes an open highway full of intrigue. Favorable dates: 12-13-14

Taurus – The house of friendship will be inundated with planetary force creating a difficult time with creative pursuits. Best to avoid people who may not have your best interest at heart. Avoid a clandestine relationship; someone may be spying on you. Mercury retrogrades until the 18th makes it difficult to take anyone’s word; therefore, be on your guard. Suggest you take the path of lest resistance and go it alone, seek spiritual guidance. Suns entry into Aries on the 20th will accent a need for getting away from it all. This is a perfect time for research, prayer and meditation.  Favorable dates 15-16

Gemini – Mercury, your planetary ruler will be retrograde until the 18th.  Not a good time to make employment decisions or engage in discussions with VIP’s. The latter aspect may cause poor judgment with employment or business issues. Suggest you keep a low profile when dealing with domestic issues, keep your intentions silent. Jupiter finally begins a better cycle; however, it may take a couple of months before good fortune comes your way. Sun shifts gears on the 20th and places the spotlight on friends and your aspirations. Great position for creative subjects and joining a health club.  Favorable dates 17-18-19

Cancer – Mercury retrogrades until the 18th  therefore take precaution when planning future events. Restrict foreign travel; it may be risky. Mars enters Aries on the 12th and will cross the zenith of your solar chart and will provide you with a better sense of direction with business and employment issues. Uranus keys on investments, taxes, credit cards and partner’s money; therefore, use utmost caution in those areas. The Sun transits your solar chart on the 20th placing the  accent on career matters. Use this time period for employment and business issues. Favorable dates 20-21

Leo – A preponderance of planetary aspects dealing with your personal assets can cause worrisome situations that can lead to loss if you are not careful. Suggest caution when dealing with taxes, credit cards, vested accounts and partner’s money. In some cases counselors or financial advisers should be consulted for best results. Mercury will go direct on the 18th and may have been the cause of miscommunication with a close friend.  The Sun will shift gears on the 20th where it will join the planet Mars. The latter aspects will provide you with a vital source of energy. As the duo  transits your 9th solar house, you will have keener insights on planning your future. Favorable days: 22-23-24

Virgo – The Sun and a myriad of planetary force will be transiting your 7th house. This will place the onus on others; therefore,  you need to go with the tide and allow others to take the lead. This is  not a good time for formulating a partnership or entering into a legal agreement. Mercury retrograde until the 18th and can disrupt forms of communication suggest you take no one at their word. Avoid fast foods and keep a healthy diet in order to avoid intestinal disorders. The Sun will shift on the 20th and will fall in your 8th solar house. This position denotes a concern for vested interest and partner’s money. Take extra care when preparing taxes and applying for loans, mortgages and liquidating stock. Favorable days 25-26

Libra – Your indecisive nature may prove to be troublesome. You can be your worst enemy by being critical or not seeing things correctly. Mercury will be retrograde until the 18th and may be the cause of delays with a work project. Careful of what you say, you will be held at your word. Coworkers and those who service you may not have your best interest at heart. Nothing personal, it’s just the aspects that have others with no sense of direction. After the 20th relationships, partners and legal situations are areas that may continue to be troublesome. You gain by being an observer and cooperating with others. Consider joining a health club and improving your diet. Favorable days 1-27-28

Scorpio – You may find a need to abandon a game plan an adopt a new strategy. Mercury retrogrades until the 18th and will affect communications. Travel is not recommended, you can meet with delays in that time period. Venus will occupy your 5th solar house until the 21st. Venus can provide you with good fortune with a relationship and can increase your social schedule. Because of other aspects be on your guard as others who are close to you may be going through trying times.  After the 20th the Sun will enter your 6th solar house. Expect more cooperation with coworkers and those who serve you. Favorable dates 2-3-29-30

Sagittarius – Your planetary ruler Jupiter will be negatively configured with a host of planets placed in mutable signs. Real estate, relocating or home improvements are not recommended at this time. Change your environment and avoid confrontation with family members. Seek areas for peace and solitude. The more single you are the better. Mercury will be retrograde until the 18th and is bound to cause delays with a work project and miscommunication with those who service you. After the 20th the Sun will enter the creative and romantic area of your solar chart. Expect an increase with your social schedule. Favorable dates 4-5-30

Capricorn – You may be hearing voices or strange thoughts that preoccupy your mind. Remember that this is only the stars reacting in a negative way affecting your mental state. The opposite side of the coin is to be creative and seek peace and meditation. Mercury retrogrades until the 18th avoid travel and areas of communications. Best to have important memos in writing trust no one at their word.    After the 20th the Sun will enter your 4th solar house. Redecorating, real estate or home improvement needs to be placed on the back burner. Limit discussions with family members.  Favorable dates 6-7

Aquarius – Because of the mutability of a host of planets, you should be extremely careful of monetary decisions. Neptune, the planet of deception, will be operating in your money house. Avoid quick buck schemes and con artists. Protect your personal savings and be careful with credit card use; someone may steal your identity. Mercury retrogrades until the 18th and can make you extremely indecisive; therefore, take the path of least resistance and forego major changes.  After the 20th the Sun will enter your 3rd solar house affecting communication. Forego the purchase of big ticket items.   Favorable dates 8-9

PiscesHappy Birthday!  The Sun will be in your birth sign signifying the beginning of the fiscal year. Have your chart updated with a solar return. This will give you a better sense of direction. Since Neptune will occupy your sign, it will add to your sensitivity. On a positive note, your spiritual connection will increase drawing you to the occult. After the 20th the Sun will enter the most sensitive area of your solar chart and will favor research, meditation and assessing ways and means of improving your life style.  Consider homeopathic ways of healing.  Favorable dates 10-11

– Steven Joseph Sinopoli is a renowned astrologer with over 32 years of experience. To schedule an appointment call us at 973-778-1232.