Steven’s March Horoscope
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- March 13, 2018
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Aries: Happy Birthday! Mars your planetary ruler will transit the 10th house on the 18th and will be joined by Saturn and Pluto placing the onus on employment and career. You are in command – plan well as the tide shifts in your favor. Jupiter’s transits your solar 8th house and retrogrades on the 9th. Check credit cards and investments – time to reevaluate assets. The Sun transits the most sensitive area of your solar chart joined by Neptune – time for prayer and meditation. The Sun will enter your sign on the 20th providing you with vitality and gusto. Favorable dates 18-19
Taurus: The Sun falls in your solar 11th house where it will be joined by Neptune. Be selective of who your friends are – best to work alone and use your intuition and avoid those who may not have your own interest at heart. Mars enters Capricorn on the 18th and will be joined by Saturn and Pluto. Time to reassess your work skills – education helps. Suns entry into Aries on the 20th places the accent on research, prayer and meditation. Avoid clandestine situations. Loss of concentration can result in careless acts. Favorable dates 20-21
Gemini: The Sun falls in your solar 10th house where it will be joined by Neptune placing the spotlight on career, business and employment choices. Meetings with VIP’s and employment counselors can create new opportunity. Excellent timing for changes in your social calendar. Join a health club or a socially active group. You have a need to be more creative. The Sun enters Aries on the 20th placing the spotlight on friends and your aspirations. Great position for creative subjects and joining a health club. Favorable dates 22-23
Cancer: The onus is on your hindsight. The Sun will transit your solar 9th house. Good timing for an Astrological tune-up to clear up a confusing outlook. Education, travel, occult subjects and a change in your philosophical beliefs are the areas of concern. Mars will activate the house of relationships – business and personal where it will be joined by Saturn and Pluto. The latter transits may be troublesome as vast changes are more then likely. Time for an update. The Sun transits your solar 10th house on the 20th and places the accent on career matters. Positive time period for employment and business choices. Meetings with VIP’s prove to be beneficial. Favorable dates 24-25
Leo: Your omnipotent ruler, the Sun falls in your solar 8th house where it will be joined by Neptune. The onus will be on taxes, unresolved legal issues and partner’s finances. With a considerable amount of research and investigation, your monetary situation can improve provided you seek compromise. Mars will transit your solar 6th house and will be joined by Saturn and Pluto placing the onus on health issues. This is a time to unite coworkers or be subjected to loss. The Sun will shift gears on the 20th – education, travel and improving work skills will be the criterion. Favorable dates 26-27
Virgo: The Sun will enter your solar 7th house and will be joined by Neptune, placing the spotlight on relationships – business and pleasure. Be careful of whom you are involved with – there can be deception. In some cases there can be delays or waiting on others who are dragging their feet. The Sun will shift gears on the 20th and will enter your solar 8th house. This position denotes a concern for vested interest and partner’s money. Take extra care when preparing taxes and applying for loans, mortgages and liquidating stock. Favorable dates 1-2-28-29-30
Libra: The Sun will occupy your solar 6th house placing the onus on employment, health and services. Keep medical appointments – improve health and hygiene. Homeopathic healing works well. Mars enters your solar 4 house and will be joined by Saturn and Pluto placing the onus on domestic affairs. It is time to reassess your domestic situation in order to avoid future restrictions and limitations. After the 20th the Sun will transit your solar 7th house placing the spotlight on relationships, partnerships and legal situations. You gain by being an observer and cooperating with others. Consider joining a health club and improving your diet. Favorable dates 3-4-31
Scorpio: The Sun will occupy your 5th solar house joined by Neptune and will be the cause of concern with loved ones, children and a creative project. – Unproductive romance falls by the wayside. Mars enters your solar 3rd house and will be joined by Saturn and Pluto. Time to reconstruct a solid game plan for business and personal affairs – Computers help. After the 20th the Sun will enter your solar 6th house. Homeopathic healing works well. Keep medical appointments – improve health and hygiene. Health club is recommended. Update resumes and seek education to improve job skills. Favorable dates 5-6-7
Sagittarius: Your planetary ruler Jupiter retrogrades on the 23rd in your solar 12th solar house and may cause delays in researching money making ideas. This aspect can cause distrust with friends. Mars will transit your solar 2nd house on the 18th and will join Saturn and Pluto. Latter aspects are consistent with reconstruction of monetary concerns. Hard work on the horizon. The Sun will shift gears on the 20th and will enter your solar 5th house placing the spotlight on creative pursuits, romance and children. Expect an increase in your social schedule. Favorable dates 8-9
Capricorn: The Sun falls in your 3rd solar house placing the spotlight on communication, your neighborhood and family members. A positive time to mend all fences however be careful of what you promise. – You will be asked to deliver. Mars enters your solar 1st house where it will be joined by Saturn and Pluto. The world is at your command – it’s time to rule with an iron fist. After the 20th the Sun will enter your 4th solar house. Real estate or home improvement needs to be placed on the back burner. Limit discussions with family members. Favorable dates 10-11-12
Aquarius: The Sun falls in your solar 2nd house here it will join Neptune. Be cautious when dealing with personal savings, buying and selling – be not a borrower or a lender be. Mars will enter your solar 12th house placing the onus on behind the scenes investigation. Keep a low profile and practice singular activity. Beware of hidden forces. After the 20th the Sun will enters your 3rd solar house placing the spotlight on communications. Consider updating computer programs or the purchase of a new computer. Advertising your needs can be productive. Favorable dates
Pisces: Happy Birthday! The Sun falls in your solar 1st house; have your chart updated with a solar return. This will give you a better sense of direction. Since Neptune will continue to occupy your sign, a chart will reveal the areas of concern – avoid alcohol and drugs. Consider homeopathic ways of healing. On a positive note your spiritual connection will increase drawing you to the occult. After the 20th the Sun will enter your solar 2nd house placing the onus on your finances. Great timing for new and untried ideas for expanding income. Favorable dates 25-26
– Steven Joseph Sinopoli is a renowned astrologer with over 32 years of experience. He has made numerous radio, stage and TV appearances. Mr. Sinopoli is also the inventor of “The Astro Tarot,” a unique system for reading the tarot cards. To schedule an appointment call us at 973-778-1232.
Aries 2018
Aries, Uranus bids farewell
A new you feeling swell
Seven years of surprises
Dancing in many disguises
Only you know the truth
Of the lost forgotten fruit
The Stars shared lessons
Of true love without questions
by Carmelina