Post Eagle Newspaper


Feb 14, 2025

32°F, scattered clouds
New Jersey

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Steven’s MARCH Forecast

Aries – This is a high vitality month as the planet Mars will transit your sign throughout the month. The danger lies in your actions mentally and physically especially on the 11th when Mars meets with the explosive rays of Uranus. A word to the wise is to take each day and measure your actions with caution – leave the driving to others. A total lunar eclipse falls on the 20th @ 29° Pisces falls in your 12th solar house and will influence romance and residence. Happy Birthday! The Sun will enter your sign on the 21st providing you with vitality and gusto. Favorable dates: 20-21

Taurus – Suggest a low profile month as situations can get out of hand. Your usual instinct is to keep calm and placate situations; however, with so much fire in your 12th solar house, situations can get out of hand causing you to become the proverbial bull in a china shop. Venus tempers and annuls some of the negativity when it enters your sign on the 17th. Total lunar eclipse on the 20th @ 29° Pisces falls in the 11th solar house – friendships and your creative ideas will undergo change. Suns entry into Aries on the 21st will accent a need for getting away from it all. This is a perfect time for research, prayer and meditation. Favorable dates 22-23

Gemini – Until the 12th, Mercury will be in the sign of its exultation and can give a keen sense of direction. Your 11th solar house will be under fire with several planets in fire signs and can cause misunderstandings with friends and a personal relationship. Place new innovated ideas on the back burner – not the time to offer new ideas. Total lunar eclipse falls in your 10th solar house – career and business about to take a turn hopefully for the better. Sun shifts gears on the 21st and places the spotlight on friends and your aspirations. Great position for creative subjects and joining a health club. Favorable dates 24-25-26

Cancer – Mars transits your 10th solar house placing you in charge of your destiny. The danger is being overly zealous in your demands from others especially on the 11th when Mars meets with the eccentric Uranus. Meetings with VIP’S and business advisors work to your advantage. Saturn retrogrades on the 15th and may delay a work project. Lunar eclipse on the 20th indicates a change in your philosophical beliefs. The Sun transits your solar chart on the 21st placing the accent on career matters. Use this time period for employment and business issues. Meetings with VIP’s prove beneficial.   Favorable dates 1-27-28

Leo – A total lunar eclipse falls on the 20th @ 29° Pisces falls in your solar 8th house placing the spotlight on vested accounts, taxes, unresolved legal issues and partner’s finances. With a considerable amount of research and investigations, your monetary situation can improve. Travel on the 11th can be a bit risky as Mars meets with the volatile Uranus. Jupiter retrogrades and may cause dissatisfaction with a loved one. The Sun will shift gears on the 21st and will transit your 9th solar house providing you with keener insights on planning your future. The latter aspects will provide you with a vital source of energy. Favorable days: 2-3-29-29-30-31

Virgo – A total lunar eclipse falls on the 20th @ 29° Pisces in your solar 7th house. This epic event can change the tide of business and personal relationships. Mars and Uranus transits your solar 8th house and can cause unrest on a subconscious plane. Place monetary changes on hold. The Sun will shift on the 21st and will fall in your 8th solar house. This position denotes a concern for vested interest and partner’s money. Take extra care when preparing taxes and applying for loans, mortgages and liquidating stock. Favorable days 4-5-6

Libra – The 6th house of your solar chart will be the area of concern – dealing with work, health and services. Homeopathic healing works well. Keep medical appointments – improve health and hygiene. Health club is recommended. Update resumes and seek education to improve job skills. Mars meets with Uranus on the 11th – keep your temper in check – business and pleasure. After the 21st relationships, partners and legal situations are areas that may continue to be troublesome. You gain by being an observer and cooperating with others. Consider joining a health club and improving your diet. Favorable days 7-8

Scorpio – Your planetary ruler Mars will be in the sign Aries and will transit your 6th house providing you with dynamic energy that is vital for health and completing a work project. Use caution on the 11th when Mars meets with Uranus – you can be accident prone. Lunar eclipse on the 20th @ 29° Pisces and falls in your 5th solar house and will place the spotlight on romance, children and creative pursuits. A long standing relationship may come to an end. After the 21st the Sun will enter your 6th solar house. Expect more cooperation with co-workers and those who serve you. Update resumes career opportunity may be within your grasp. Favorable dates 9-10-11

Sagittarius – Your planetary ruler Jupiter retrogrades in your 9th solar house and may cause delays in the areas of education, planning an event and deciding on education to improve work skills. You will continue to improve your philosophical outlook. Mars meets with the erratic Uranus on the 11th – be careful as not to cause friction in a relationship. Lunar Eclipse on the 20th places the burden on real estate and relocating – you may be forced to decide relocating due to an employment issue. After the 21st the Sun will enter the creative and romantic area of your solar chart. Expect an increase in your social schedule. Favorable dates 12-13

Capricorn – Saturn retrogrades on the 15th and may cause indecision or delays. A decisive plan of action to alleviate depression or feelings of loneliness should be placed on the back burner. The Sun’s position indicates a need to improve ways of communication for business and pleasure. Your domestic situation can turn into a battleground on the 11th due to a Mars/Uranus conjunction therefore best to keep your intentions silent. After the 21st the Sun will enter your 4th solar house. Redecorating, real estate or home improvement needs to be placed on the back burner. Limit discussions with family members. Favorable dates 14-15

Aquarius – The lunar eclipse falls in your solar 12th house @ 29° Pisces on the 20th and will affect your subconscious state of mind. The latter aspect can make you overly suspicious in a personal relationship. Neptune continues to transit your solar 2nd house placing the spotlight on your personal assets. Avoid quick buck schemes and con artists. Protect your personal savings and be careful with credit card use; someone may steal your identity. After the 21st the Sun will enter your 3rd solar house affecting communication. Consider updating computer programs or the purchase of a new computer. Favorable dates 16-17

Pisces – Happy Birthday! The lunar eclipse falls in your solar 1st house @ 29° Pisces on the 20th. This is a turning point with matters concerning personal issues. Enough of the old – bring on the new – or you may decide to choose what best pleases you. Have your chart updated with a solar return. This will give you a better sense of direction. Since Neptune will continue to occupy your sign, a chart will reveal the areas of concern – avoid alcohol and drugs. Consider homeopathic ways of healing. On a positive note your spiritual connection will increase drawing you to the occult. After the 21st the Sun will enter your solar 2nd house placing the onus on your finances. Great timing for new and untried ideas of expanding your income. Favorable dates 18-19

– Steven Joseph Sinopoli is a renowned astrologer with over 32 years of experience. He has made numerous radio, stage and TV appearances.  Mr. Sinopoli is also the inventor of “The Astro Tarot,” a unique system for reading the tarot cards. To schedule an appointment call us at 973-778-1232.


by Carmelina McCarthy

Uranus illuminates electrical transits
Surprises surface from the planets
All you thought was concealed
Secrets hidden are now revealed
Sunny faces of loved ones beam
Ideas materialized from dreams
Not wanting to give a toss
When the paths of Stars cross