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Jan 24, 2025

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Steven’s July Forecast

Aries – The Sun will occupy the domestic area of your solar chart until the 22nd and will be joined by Mercury and Mars placing the spotlight on domestic situations. Real estate,   relocating and home improvement are areas of consideration. Family relations need to be handled carefully until the 21st.  Jupiter favors business and personal relationships.  After the 22nd the Sun will enter your solar 5th house where it will be joined by Mercury on the 6th and then Mars on the 21st. This will activate the house of romance and creative pursuits. Be careful of what you promise to a loved one. Misunderstandings with a loved one can cause a break up – be cool. Favorable dates 15-16

Taurus – The Sun will transit your solar 3rd house where it is joined Mars.  Prime area of activity is centered on communications for business and pleasure. Your lovable ruler Venus will enter Gemini on the 5th where it can initiate ideas increasing your monetary situation – buying and selling are favorable area.  Jupiter transits your solar 6th house providing you with the impetus to update resumes – homeopathic healing is recommended.  After the 22nd the omnipotent Sun enters your solar 4th house where it will be joined by Mars .  Not a favorable time for domestic stability – avoid home improvements.  Favorable dates 17-18

Gemini – Your monetary concerns are spotlighted this month. Use caution with speculative situations until the 21st. Mars enters your solar 3rd house on the 21st – be careful you may be accident prone. Use  caution when dealing with partners or others who may not have your interest at heart. Jupiter rewards with greater insights into romance and children.  Sun will enter your solar 3rd house, where it will be joined Mercury on the 6th and then Mars on the 21st. Not a good time to resolve misunderstandings with discordant family members and a loved one. Limit discussions.  Favorable dates 19-20

CancerHappy Birthday!  The Sun in your sign joined by Mars places the spotlight on improving personal and business relationships. Be cautious when handling work projects cooperation from others may be difficult. Consider health – diet and a medical checkup.  Good time for a backyard barbeque and family reunion. The Sun enters your solar 2nd house on the 21st and will be joined by Mars on the 21st.  Guard against compulsive spending – check all monetary statements, curb credit card spending. Favorable dates 21-22

Leo – Spiritual guidance and meditation helps to overcome periods of depression. Be careful of what you say to others regarding your personal affairs; someone may not have your best interest at heart. Jupiter provides you with positive ways of communications for business and pleasure. The Sun will enter your sign on the 22nd where it will be joined by Mars. This aspect can revitalize your energy, however, it can cause compulsive behavior patterns – avoid confrontation with a loved one.  A good time to improve your appearance. Happy Birthday! Favorable dates 23-24

Virgo – Planets Neptune and Saturn can be troublesome. Best to keep a low profile and work on your own. Use caution with others who wish to become friends – may not be desirable.  Jupiter favors monetary situation for buying and selling. Consider increasing your portfolio.  Sun will transit your solar 11th  house where it will be joined by Mars – avoid clandestine relationships. The Sun transits your solar 12th house after the 22nd. Good timing for investigation and research. This is also a good time to get away from it all and recharge your energies.  Favorable dates 25-26

Libra – The Sun will transit your solar 10th house and will be joined by Mars placing the spotlight on reputation and honor.  Business, employment issues will be the criterion – meetings with VIP’s are essential areas for advancement. Jupiter revitalizes your hindsight – all roads lead to success. Sun enters your 11th solar chart on the 22nd and will be joined by lovable Venus and Mars. The latter aspects are bound to brighten up friendships, personal relationships and creative pursuits. A new romance is a possibility or a relationship may blossom.  Favorable dates 1-2-27-28-29

Scorpio – The Sun will be joined by Mars and will be  transiting your solar 9th house placing the emphasis on travel and higher education. Sharpening work skills and reviewing career potential works well. Be careful as not to become impatient with others. Jupiter will transit your solar 12th house providing you with the ability to research and behind the scenes investigation. Sun shifts to your solar 10th house on the 22nd and will be joined by Mars placing the spotlight on employment, career and meetings with VIP’s.  A good time to make a career change or accept a new position.  You can do no wrong – sky is the limit.  Favorable dates 3-4-30-31

Sagittarius – The Sun will be joined by Mars in your solar 8th house. Pay particular attention to assets – partner’s money, taxes, mortgages and legal issues. Money management and financial advisers work well. Jupiter, your significant ruler, transits the house of innovation – others give good advice for money making ideas.  Sun shifts gears on the 22nd and will be joined by Mars in your solar 9th house providing you with greater hindsight, education to improve work skills. May not be a good time period for extended travel. Favorable dates 5-6-7

Capricorn – The Sun spotlights your 7th house and will be joined by Mars placing the emphasis on marriage, partnership and friendship.  Others may have a tendency to be irrational or argumentative. Stand clear of others who may not have your best interest at heart. Sun shifts to your solar 8th house on the 22nd and will join Mars. Seek peace and meditation – time to internalize and seek answers from within. Jupiter transits your solar 10th house providing you with employment or a business opportunity.  Favorable dates 8-9

Aquarius – Employment issues will be the criterion therefore the choices may be difficult due to the transits of Mars. Work projects may not go well as co-workers lack enthusiasm.  Saturn your secondary ruler places the onus on friendships – it may be time to scrutinize who your friends really are – trust no one. Jupiter transits your solar  9th house and will provide you with keener foresight.   After the 22nd the Sun will be joined by the planet Mars and will  spotlight relationships – business and personal. It will be a time period where you must acquiesce to others. Stand clear of confrontations.  Favorable dates 10-11

Pisces – Saturn continues to retrograde playing havoc with employment or business issues – suggest you keep a low profile until you are absolutely sure of direction. Neptune places you in confusion – like living in a dream world. Jupiter your co-ruler transits your solar 8th house providing you with spiritual guidance – listen to your inner voice. The Sun transits your solar 6th house on the 22nd and will be joined by Mars. Not a good time to consider a job change. Keep all medical appointments.  Education to improve job skills works to your advantage.  Favorable dates 12-13-14

– Steven Joseph Sinopoli is a renowned astrologer with over 32 years of experience. He has made numerous radio, stage and TV appearances.  Mr. Sinopoli is also the inventor of “The Astro Tarot,” a unique system for reading the tarot cards. To schedule an appointment call us at 973-778-1232.



Leo 2017

Poet Carmelina McCarthy

Leo creates a Kingdom of Light
Filled with sunshine and love
With time to reflect on his life
Holding dreams in his hands
Only to let them go to fly in space
Like a red balloon filled with hope
When the Sun shines on his wishes
Others can’t hold the fire inside him
With the craziness of false words
The brave Lion so sincerely listens
To roar back the truth from his heart
Which creates a Kingdom of Light