Steven’s January Forecast
- PostEagle
- January 1, 2016
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Aries – The house that governs employment, career and your public image will be occupied by the Sun, Pluto and Mercury. This is a powerful combination of Star power that is bound to provide you with employment choices. Meeting with VIP’s and employment counselors are recommended after the 26th when Mercury goes direct – Good timing to initiate a work project. Take pride in how you appeal to the public; someone may have their eye on you. The Sun shifts on the 20th friendship and joining an organization are favorable, In some cases an old lover needs to be avoided. Favorable dates 15-16
Taurus – The 9th house is the gateway for future planning and can provide you with keen insights. Allow time and reflection before acting on a game plan. Sun’s direction spotlights travel after the 26th – education to improve work skills is favored. Jupiter continues to retrograde in your 5th solar house indicating partnerships and personal relationships are testy and frustrating; control your temper. After the 20th the Sun transit solar 10 house giving you the impetus to take command of employment and business issues. Good time to initiate a work project. Favorable 17-18
Gemini – The Sun’s presence in your 8th solar house joined by Mercury and Pluto places the onus on partner’s finances and your vested accounts. Banking, refinancing, credit card debt will be the areas of concern. Seek financial counseling for optimum results. Venus will join Saturn on the 9th and will cause a rift in a personal relationship. Jupiter retrogrades in your solar 3rd house indicating a need to log all communications – business and pleasure. After the 20th the Sun will enter your solar 9th house and will provide you with keen hindsight. Travels and education to improve computer skills are favorable. Favorable dates 19-20
Cancer – Your seventh house will be inundated by planetary action placing the emphasis on social and business ties. Planets in westerly direction puts the onus on those who wish to control your destiny. Not a time to be aggressive, you gain by catering to the needs of others. Jupiter continues to retrograde in your solar 2nd house; therefore, refrain from purchasing big ticket items. Sun shifts to your 8th solar house on the 20th and will place the spotlight on partner’s money, taxes and bookkeepers. Not a favorable time for investments. May need investment counseling or change of bookkeeping methods. Favorable dates 21-22-23
Leo – The Sun transits your solar 6th house and will be joined by a retrograde Mercury, and Pluto placing the emphasis on co-workers and those who service you. Work projects and employment decisions may be difficult while Mercury retrogrades until the 26th – Health issues are aided by diet and homeopathic healing. Venus will conjoin Saturn on the 9th and is bound to cause serious disagreements’ with a loved one. Sun enters your 7th house on the 20th indicating a favorable time for discussions with partners and increase in social happenings. Favorable dates 24-25
Virgo – The Sun, Mercury, and Pluto will transit your solar 5th house and will place the spotlight on your artistic ability, romance, children and creative pursuits. Mercury will be retrograde until the 26th and may cause misunderstandings with a loved one. Suggest you keep a low profile; you will need more time to arrive at a peaceful solution. Venus transits your solar 4th house and will meet with the restrictive Saturn on the 9th – suggest you keep your domestic situation in check due to a grisly outlook. After the 20th the Sun shifts to the house that governs health and coworkers. Consider homeopathic ways of healing. Favorable dates 26-27
Libra – The Sun, Mercury, and Pluto will be transiting your solar 4th house placing the spotlight on real estate, relocation and employment choices. Home improvements, purchase of big ticket items should be placed on the back burner. Mercury will retrograde until the 26th – be careful with loved ones and promise only what you can deliver. Venus enters Sagittarius and will meet with Saturn on the 9th – delay travel plans and employment decisions. Sun shifts on the 20th and will transit your solar 5th house placing the spotlight on romance, children and creative pursuits. You benefit by knowing how the transits of Uranus is affecting your stars. Have an update. Favorable days 1-2-3-28-29-30
Scorpio – The omnipotent Sun resides in your solar 3rd house and will be joined by Mercury, and Pluto placing the spotlight on environment, communications and family relationship. Mars enters your sign on the 4th and is bound to increase your energy giving you the impetus to tie up all loose ends. Be careful of being overly aggressive. Good time to examine your self worth and seek investment counselors. Mercury will be retrograde until the 26th and can add delays with a work project. The Sun will enter your solar 4th house on the 20th and will place the spotlight on real estate, relocating and home improvements. Saturn transits your solar 2nd house placing the onus on your financial situation. Favorable dates 4-5-31
Sagittarius – The rays of Saturn are cumbersome – to every end there is a new beginning so proceed with courage and determination. Do all in your power to increase your energy level diet, mild exercise and homeopathic healing. Venus will conjoin Saturn on the 9th – keep a positive outlook as you may have a grisly outlook toward romance and children. Sun’s shifts to your solar 2nd house will place the onus on your monetary situation. Not a time to speculate – hard work, elongated hours and delays can cause frustration. Sun shifts gears on the 20th placing the emphasis on family and communication. Purchase of a computer helps; however, be careful of the Mercury retrograde period until the 26th. Best to shop around and wait if necessary for the right deal. Favorable dates 6-7
Capricorn – Happy Birthday! The Sun gives vital energy at a time of the year when nature sleeps. You become more aware of your mortality and can relate to soul matter. Meditation and prayer helps to alleviate depressing issues. Personal issues can be troublesome because of Saturn’s transit to your 12th house causing doubt or a sense of isolation. – Place personal and business decisions on the back burner. Mercury will retrograde until the 26th and may cause delays with a work project. After the 20th the Sun will enter your money house, financial situations need to be handled with caution. Game of chance should be avoided. Favorable dates 8-9-10
Aquarius – This is the time of the year when you will need to appeal to your subconscious needs. Over sensitivity and a sense of self denial causes you to be unproductive. Avoid drugs, alcohol and clandestine relationships. Good timing for meditation and prayer. Consider a vacation for rest and relaxation. – Mercury retrogrades until the 26th – delay travel plans. The Sun enters your sign on the 20th – Happy Birthday! – Romance and creative pursuits are fortunate areas. Favorable dates 11-12
Pisces – Neptune, your planetary ruler transits your sign providing you with imagination and creativity – the negative side of the Neptune transit can be troublesome – avoid drugs and alcohol it may be addictive. Mercury retrogrades until the 26th and can cause delays in a work project. Romantic liaisons can be frustrating especially on the 9th when Venus meets with Saturn giving you a negative outlook. Sun shifts on the 20th and will transit the most sensitive areas of your solar chart. Time for rest and relaxation, it may be time to reassess your priorities. Avoid clandestine relationship. Favorable dates 13-14
Jupiter blesses joint finances
No doubt some lively romances
Loyalty in long time friendships
Harmony in new relationships
Intellectual in creative days
Widen horizons in many ways
Life’s mysteries shine a spotlight
On star’s messages at night
– Steven Joseph Sinopoli is a renowned astrologer with over 32 years of experience. He has made numerous radio, stage and TV appearances. Mr. Sinopoli is also the inventor of “The Astro Tarot,” a unique system for reading the tarot cards. To schedule an appointment call us at 973-778-1232.