Steven’s February Forecast
- PostEagle
- February 7, 2017
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Aries – This will be a high energy period as Mars your ruling planet will be in your sign – Venus enters your sign on the 4th both planets will join the planet Uranus. On the positive side you will feel as if you can do no wrong as your energy will be magnetic for business and romance. The negative side is to throw caution to the wind and in some cases accident prone. Sun enters the most sensitive area of your solar chart on the 18th followed by the solar eclipse on the 26th. Causes uncertainties or phobia with sense of direction. Relaxation, research and meditation help to overcome anxieties. Favorable dates 1-2-28
Taurus – Your solar 12th house will be inundated by a myriad of planetary force. It would be incumbent upon you to take a path of least resistance. Avoid clandestine meeting and stand clear of discordant friends and those who do not have your best interest at heart. Choose projects that require singular activity. After the 18th the Sun will transit your 11th solar house followed by solar eclipse on the 26th. – Meeting innovative friends gives new ideas that can benefit monetarily however avoid quick buck schemes or involvements that can be uneconomical. It pays to know who your friends are. Favorable dates 3-4
Gemini – Myriad of planetary force to your solar 11th house creates a sense of dynamics with friends and innovated possibilities. Trust no one at their word. Saturn began a 7 year cycle in westerly direction – relationships, investments and improving work skills will be the criterion. After the 18th the Sun will enter the house that’s delegated to career. Solar eclipse on the 26th places the emphasis on business and employment issues. Confusion can place you at odds with the aforementioned issues. Your decisions will affect your future business plans. Favorable dates 5-6
Cancer – You have the power to make vital changes because of a myriad of planetary action that are transiting in easterly direction however how you exercise that power needs restraint. Partners money, taxes and credit card debt need to be handled with care. You can create a better monetary plan – investment counselors help to create new ideas. After the 18th the Sun will shift to your solar 9th house followed by a solar eclipse on the 26th. Your philosophical views will be the area of change. Seek education for improving work skills. Confusion may occur because of indecision or lack of foresight. Have your stars updated. Favorable dates 7-8
Leo – The Sun your omnipotent ruler falls in your 7th house and will have an affect on business and personal relationships. Because of an overabundance of fire – energy – planets you may have to acquiesce to the ideas and needs of others. Best to keep a low profile. Romantic liaisons that have been burdensome are apt to fall by the wayside. Sun shifts gears on the 18th followed by the solar eclipse on the 26th placing the onus on vested interest and partner’s finances. Prayer and meditation help as your spiritual needs are accentuated. Time to evolve to a higher level. Favorable days 9-10
Virgo – The Sun will transit your solar 6th placing the spotlight on work and health. Diet and exercise can improve your energy level. Coworkers help to ease work conditions. Sun shifts gears on the 18th and will enter the 7th house of your solar chart followed by a solar eclipse on the 26th. Partnerships and personal relationships will be the areas of change. Not a favorable time for agreements. You may have to dissolve a union and in some cases a new personal relationship can begin. It pays to research the past of new relationships business or personal. Favorable dates 11-12-13
Libra – The Sun’s transit your solar 5th house and will provide romance, creative pursuits and quality time with children. Saturn continues to be burdensome causing dissatisfaction with discordant family members. A myriad of planetary force may cause anxiety with personal and business relationships. Sun shifts gears on the 18th followed by a solar eclipse on the 26th placing the onus on health and working conditions. Resumes and employment counselors should be avoided and placed on the back burner for now. Avoid the emotional roller coaster by using your natural Libra balance. Favorable days 14-15
Scorpio – The domestic area of your solar chart receives the rays of the Sun. Family conditions will be on the improve. Real estate, relocating, due to a possible employment change is fortunate areas. Jupiter will transit your solar 12th house and can create a need for meditation and improving your spiritual needs. The Sun enters the house of love and children after the 18th followed by the solar eclipse on the 26th. Be careful of choices or promises made to a loved one. Seek creative pursuits – stimulates boredom. Dinner by candlelight will bring out the best in your mate. Favorable dates 16-17-18
Sagittarius – The Sun will transit your solar 3rd house and will provide you with the impetus to improve better ways of communications. Purchase of a computer helps business and pleasure and can create innovative ideas. Your fortunate ruler, Jupiter will transit your solar 1tth house and will be retrograde; therefore, be careful of employment or business decisions. Sun enters your solar 4th house on the 18th and will be followed by a solar eclipse on the 26th placing the accent on domestic affairs. Real estate, relocating, business decisions should be placed on the back burner because of indecision. Favorable dates 19-20
Capricorn – The Sun will transit your solar 2nd house stimulating innovative ideas that can increase your monetary situation. Saturn transiting your solar 12th house can cause melancholy and a need to seek spiritual guidance. Education helps to improve work skills. Jupiter will retrograde on the 6th and may cause delays with employment business. Place decisions on the back burner. After the 18th the Sun will enter your 3rd solar house followed by a solar eclipse on the 26th. This is the precursor for relocating or the purchases of real estate. Purchase of a computer helps business and pleasure. Favorable dates 21-22-23
Aquarius – Happy Birthday! The omnipotent Sun enters your birthright placing the spotlight on improving your energy and aspirations. Personal needs or aesthetics are fortunate areas of improvement. Jupiter inspires education and travel – improve work skills. After the 18th the Sun visits your solar 2nd house followed by a solar eclipse on the 26th placing the spotlight on your monetary situation. You will need to be on guard with personal assets. Stand clear of quick buck artist. You can deceive or be deceived. Favorable dates 24-25
Pisces – The Sun will transit your solar 12th house. Behind the scenes investigation and research brings rewards. Spiritual messages are commonplace – listen to your inner voice. Neptune continues to dominate your level of sensitivity and creates mood swings – in some cases phobia can cause inhibitions. The Sun enters your sign on the 18th followed by the solar eclipse on the 26th – Happy Birthday – It’s time for a solar return as it promises to be an interesting year. Favorable dates 26-27
Pisces 2017
Pisces on a mystical ride
Spiritual Neptune as a guide
Swimming in uncharted seas
Not knowing what will be
Confusion manifests within
Losing dreams- hopes dim
STAR illuminations appear
Oceans of tears disappear