Post Eagle Newspaper


Feb 9, 2025

32°F, scattered clouds
New Jersey

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Steven’s December Forecast

Aries – It’s time to broaden your horizons and let go of the past. Your priorities are bound to change as Saturn moves into your solar 9th house on the 24th, placing the onus on education to improve job skills. Mars helps to motivate your aspirations. You meet people with innovative ideas. After the 21st the Sun will join Venus and Pluto and will activate the career sector of your solar chart. Business, employment meetings with VIP’s can further your status.   Favorable dates 1-2-28-29

Taurus – It would seem as though others are controlling your destiny; this may be a fact – but – if you listen to your inner voice you might discover how much better off you are than others. Be silent it is not a time to discuss a game plan with those who may not have your best interest at heart. Use caution with vested accounts, partners money, taxes and bookkeeping. Sun enters your solar 9th house on the 21st and will spotlight travel and education. Work skills will be top priority. Favorable dates 3-4-30-31

Gemini – The spotlight is on your solar 7th house which is inundated with planetary action. Personal and business relationships may be under scrutiny as Saturn moves into your 7th house on the 24th – in some cases a partnership may come to an end. Time to reevaluate friendships. Use caution with new relationships – especially those who may be obligated to others. After the 21st the Sun will enter your solar 8th house and will place the accent on monetary concerns. Use caution when dealing with investments and other people’s money. Favorable dates 5-6-7

Cancer – Homeopathic healing helps health issues. Since you have stimulating aspects your health is apt to improve. Resumes and employment       counselors help to achieve a better position. Mars enters your 8th solar house on the 5th and may cause a difficult situation regarding vested accounts and partners money. Your passions are at a high level. After the 21st the Sun will join Mercury, Venus and Pluto and will oppose your ascendant. The latter aspects place you at a disadvantage when dealing with personal and business issues. The redeeming factor is… if you are patient and do not allow your sensitive nature to take over, you will learn a great deal. Be a detective! Favorable dates 8-9

Leo – Mars will transit your solar 7th house on the 5th and may cause problems in a relationship. Best to allow others to set the pace – you learn more by being a listener. The saving grace is the Sun’s motion to your solar 5th house placing the spotlight on romance, children and creative pursuits. After the 21st the Sun will enter the health area of your solar chart where it will be joined by Mercury, Venus and Pluto. A good time to consider homeopathic healing. Organize a work project for optimum results. Favorable dates 10-11

Virgo – The Sun will transit your 4th solar house placing the emphasis on your domestic situation. Good timing for home improvements, real estate and relocating. In some cases financial counseling helps to save money on taxes, loans and credit card debt. Creative pursuits can get you out of the doldrums of boring routine employment.   After 21st, the Sun will join Mercury, Venus and Pluto and will illuminate the   romantic sector of your solar chart. Cupid’s arrow may not be far away – be alert and seize the moment. Favorable dates 12-13-14

Libra – The Sun spotlights your solar 3rd house and will be joined by Mercury providing you with a positive time to upgrade areas of communications that will improve personal and business relationships. Mars enters your solar 5th house on the 5th and may cause disagreements with a loved one. Children and creative projects need to be handled with caution. After the 21st the transitory rays of the Sun will join Mercury, Venus and Pluto and will place the onus on the domestic area of your solar chart. In some cases you may need to pay close attention to your domestic needs. Take stock of family obligations. Favorable dates 15-16

Scorpio – Mars enters Aquarius on the 5th and may be the cause of discordant family situations. Not a good time to consider a move or a real estate venture. Monetary issues cause concern therefore be careful with the purchase of big ticket items. Jupiter retrogrades on the 9th and may delay a work project. After the 21st the Sun will join Mercury, Venus and Pluto placing the spotlight on employment and career issues. Be careful of what you say or criticizing a close friend. Good timing for the purchase of a computer or any type of equipment change that can facilitate an increase in business or sales. Favorable dates 17-18-19

SagittariusHappy Birthday! Sun omnipresent in your sign provides you with positive energy and healing powers. Mercury makes you playful and fun loving – friends will evolve around you. Saturn enters your sign on the 24th adding responsibility and may reduce your energy level. Diet and mild exercise are recommended. Sun shifts on the 21st and will join Mercury, Venus and Pluto in your money house. This dynamic foursome should be used for investigation or researching a financial investment. Money making ideas are favorable. Favorable dates 20-21

Capricorn – The Sun will be transiting the most sensitive position of your solar chart and will be joined by Mercury and Venus. Consider rest and relaxation periods of meditation. Working hard has created stress and an overactive imagination. It is time to turn it off and seek solace. Your demanding ruler Saturn shifts gears on the 24th and will transit your solar 12th house and can cause a need to be alone. Careful not to isolate yourself from reality. Happy Birthday! The Sun will be joined Mercury, Venus and Pluto providing you with dynamic energy. Favorable dates 22-23

Aquarius – The 11th house of your solar chart is inundated with planetary action. This is the house of friendship, innovation and your aspiration. You may be tired of a humdrum life and may need to surround yourself with more adventurous or ambitious people with creative money making ideas. After the 21st the Sun will shift to the most sensitive area of your solar chart where it will join Mercury, Venus and Pluto. Avoid clandestine relationships. This is a good position for research, investigation, rest, and relaxation. Favorable dates 24-25

Pisces – The Sun spotlights the career sector of your solar chart. A business venture and meetings with VIP’s are positive areas of growth. Mars will transit your solar 12th house on the 5th and can cause frustration or self denial. Choose areas were you can work alone. Avoid clandestine situation. After the 21st the Sun will join Mercury, Venus and Pluto in the house that is delegated to friendship. Old friends resurface. Health clubs are recommended. Saturn will enter your solar 10th house on the 24th and can bring favorable results with employment or a career change. Favorable dates 26-27

– Steven Joseph Sinopoli is a renowned astrologer with over 32 years of experience. He has made numerous radio, stage and TV appearances.  Mr. Sinopoli is also the inventor of “The Astro Tarot,” a unique system for reading the tarot cards. To schedule an appointment call us at 973-778-1232.



Pluto slowly moves in your sign
Telling you to take your time
Make a perfect plan to be ready
Take the Steps of Life so steady
Changes pop up from everywhere
Oh, ones that you really do care
Let go of the past- too much stress
Stars above won’t make you guess