Post Eagle Newspaper


Jan 19, 2025

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Steven’s August Forecast

Aries – The Sun in Leo joined by Mars activates your romantic and creative inclinations.  It’s party time, however, because of the Martian influence you need to use your energies wisely and avoid a confrontation with a loved one. Saturn’s direct motion after the 26th ends a 7 year cycle by year’s end and benefits business or employment choices. After the 22nd medical appointments and seeking health remedies are favorable. Update resumes and seek employment counseling before the 13th.  Neptune forewarns against the purchase of over the counter medication.  Favorable dates 11-12

Taurus – Sun in Leo joined by Mars places the onus on domestic issues. The Mars influence can cause frustration with domestic issues. Real estate, relocation should be placed on the back burner. Keep your distance with discordant family members.  Venus, your peaceful ruler, will enter your solar 4th house after the 26th and will soften up family relations. Mercury retrograde on the 13th  will be joined by the Sun on the 22nd.  The latter transits will spotlights romance, children and creative pursuits and because of the retrograde motion of Mercury it may be wise to delay family planning or artistic projects  Favorable dates 13-14

Gemini – The 3rd house of your solar chart will be activated by the Sun and Mars. The Mars aspect can cause compulsive thinking causing you to be accident prone and being argumentative. Limit purchases and credit card spending. Venus softens things up after the 26th.  Your mental ruler Mercury retrogrades on the 13th and may delay domestic projects. Sun enters your solar 4th house on the 22nd.  Home improvements, real estate and areas of enjoyment will be the criterion. Best to delay decisions until Mercury goes direct. Favorable dates 15-16

Cancer – The Sun and Mars will occupy your money house therefore be careful with compulsive spending. On the plus side creative ideas can increase your monetary situation and since Venus will be in your sign until the 26th your aura will attract others socially and romantically. Jupiter transits your solar 4th house where it will provide you with the impetus to improve domestic ties – family reunion works well.  Sun shifts on the 22nd  to your solar 3rd. and will be joined by retrograde Mercury which began on the 13th. Be careful of work projects – expect delays.  Favorable dates 18-19

Leo – Happy Birthday! Your omnipotent ruler the Sun and Mars will occupy your solar 1st house. This is a tough duo because it can cause irrational acts or anxiety. Solar return will help to sort out romance, creative projects and children. Mercury retrogrades on the 13th placing the onus on spending and personal savings. Keep a sharp eye on monetary transactions. Jupiter helps to mend fences with discordant family members. Sun shifts on the 22nd and will place the spotlight on monetary condition. New and creative ideas can be the way of increasing your financial worth. Good time to consider education in a creative field.  Favorable dates 20-21

Virgo –The Sun and Mars fall in your solar 12th house. This is an area that rules your subconscious state and behind the scenes investigation Romantic liaisons need to be handled with caution.  Time to consider rest and relaxation.  Mercury retrogrades in your sign on the 13th therefore use caution with scheduling work projects. Keep a strict with diet – no junk foods!  The Sun will enter your sign on the 22ndHappy Birthday!  A solar return will be helpful in handling the events for the year ahead.  Favorable dates 22-23

Libra – Jupiter, the greater benefit in your sign brings rewards – personal improvement, education and travel are areas of good fortune. The omnipotent Sun joined by Mars will transit the house that governs friends, hope and wishes. Friendship, innovation and improving your social status are areas that need to be handled with care as you may be overly sensitive. Mercury retrogrades on the 13th causing indecision. After the 22nd the Sun shifts to the most sensitive area of your solar chart. Positive period for meditation and seeking health remedies. Consider a vacation to restore your batteries.  Favorable dates 24-25

Scorpio – The omnipotent Sun and your ruling planet Mars place the spotlight on employment and business issues. Be careful when making business or personal decisions – you are in the spotlight. It is time to be assertive and plan future events. Jupiter transits your 12th solar house where it can provide you with peace and meditation. The Sun enters your solar 11th house on the 22nd and will be joined by a retrograde Mercury on the 13th  and will stimulate personal and business connections. Be careful with  new and untried ideas and allow a better sense of timing. Expect delays. Favorable dates 26-27-28

Sagittarius – Your ruling planet Jupiter transits your solar 11th solar house providing you with ways and means of upgrading areas of friendships and innovated ideas. The Sun and Mars will be operating in your 9th solar house and places the spotlight on education and travel. A time to consider employment or business advancement. Mercury retrogrades on the 11th and will be joined by the Sun as it enters your solar 10th house after the 22nd placing the accent on improving work or business issues. Meeting with VIP’s works to your advantage however details are important keep a log on all meetings. Favorable dates 1-2-3-29-30

Capricorn – Saturn will be transiting your solar 12th house and may cause difficulties with employment issues. Use caution when dealing with others – business and pleasure – it is best to work alone – not a time to share personal interest with others.  In some cases counseling helps to sort out frustrating issues. After the 22nd the Sun will enter your solar 9th house where it will join retrograde Mercury. Latter aspects can give a positive outlook in planning future events. Travel, education and improving work skills are areas where you can face delays.  Favorable dates 4-5-31

Aquarius – Your 7th house receives the rays of the Sun and the planet Mars where it will place the onus on business and personal relationship. The Mars transit needs to be taken into consideration because it can create the need to acquiesce to the actions of others.  Stand clear of friends who may not have your best interest at heart. Jupiter returns to its natural position and can provide you with keen insight. Travel and education are fortunate areas.  Sun will shift on the 22nd to your solar 8th house where it will be joined by retrograde Mercury. The latter aspects can cause concern for vested accounts. Favorable dates 6-7-8

Pisces – Cooperation from co-workers or those who service you are areas of concern, because Mars causes disruption in a work project. Be careful of over indulgence or consumption – your diet can cause problems because of personal issues.  Jupiter helps – seek peace and meditation. The Sun shifts gears on the 22nd and will be joined by retrograde Mercury, placing the spotlight on personal relationships and business connections.  Business and social relationships are highlighted. Take into consideration retrograde Mercury – be careful what you promise because you will be held accountable.  Favorable dates 9-10


– Steven Joseph Sinopoli is a renowned astrologer with over 32 years of experience. He has made numerous radio, stage and TV appearances.  Mr. Sinopoli is also the inventor of “The Astro Tarot,” a unique system for reading the tarot cards. To schedule an appointment call us at 973-778-1232.



Camelina McCarthy

Born under the Virgo Star
Thoughts fill a crystal jar
Always helpful to friends
Their troubles you mend
Some say too critical
You say just analytical
Stars know your speciality 
Dreams manifest into reality