Post Eagle Newspaper


Feb 18, 2025

32°F, scattered clouds
New Jersey

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Steven’s August Forecast

Aries – The Sun in Leo joined by Venus until the 5th activates your romantic and creative inclinations.  It’s party time so put your best foot forward and enjoy.  A new love is a possibility.  Mars enters your solar 9th house on the 3rd placing the spotlight on education and your philosophical beliefs. Your sense of direction will be much clearer and you feel ready to plan events. Good time to prepare resumes and start a diet.  After the 22nd medical appointments and seeking health remedies are favorable. Neptune forewarns against the purchase of over the counter medication.  Favorable dates 21-22

Taurus –Sun in Leo joined by Venus provides  domestic bliss. Consider a family reunion – a backyard barbeque brings family members together. Consider home improvements or decorating your home – all roads lead to comfort and making your home a palace. Vested accounts, credit cards and loans need to be handled with care, in some cases financial counseling helps.   After the 22nd  the Sun spotlights romance, children and creative pursuits. Time to consider changes with vested accounts.  Favorable dates 23-24

Gemini – The 3rd house of your solar chart will be activated by the Sun and Venus providing you with power to charm a snake – if need be – so – turn on the charm with business and personal issues. Purchase of a computer helps in developing new leads.   A short trip may be in store – you can be the family peace maker; therefore, communicate with discordant family members. Sun enters your solar 4th house on the 22nd .  Home improvements, real estate and a family reunion are areas of enjoyment.   Favorable dates 25-26

Cancer – The  Sun and Venus brighten up your monetary situation – getting rid of credit card debt and vested accounts are fortunate areas. The danger lies in access  to ingratiate yourself.  Jupiter transits your solar 3rd  house where it will provide you with the impetus to improve communications. New and untried ideas may be the answer to improving income. Education to improve work skills  can further  employment choices.  Sun shifts on the 22nd   to your solar 3rd house signaling a positive time for communications.  Purchase of a computer or means of advertising works well.  Favorable dates 1-27-28

Leo – Happy Birthday! Your omnipotent ruler the Sun and Venus gives the impetus to improve every area of your existence. You may be racing, therefore slow down so others can catch up. Romance, children and creative pursuits are some of the areas of good fortune. Others may think you are being melodramatic. Sun shifts on the 22nd  and will place the spotlight on monetary condition. New and creative ideas can be the way of increasing your financial worth. Good time to consider education in a creative field.  Favorable dates 2-3-29-30

Virgo – Jupiter transiting your sign provides good  fortune  and improves your  hindsight. Travel, education and improving work skills are favored.   The Sun and Venus fall in your solar 12th house. This is an area that rules your subconscious state and behind the scenes investigation.  Time to consider rest and relaxation.   Romantic liaisons need to be handled with caution. The Sun will enter your sign on the 22ndHappy Birthday!  A solar return will be helpful in handling the events for the year ahead.  Favorable dates 4-5-6-31

Libra – The omnipotent Sun and Venus, your ruling planet  transit  the house that governs friends, hope and wishes. Friendship, innovation and improving your social status are positive areas.  After the 22nd  the Sun shifts to the most sensitive area of your solar chart and will be joined by Jupiter providing  you with creative and innovated ideas. Romance and creative pursuits will go through a period of indecision and misunderstandings. Positive time period for meditation and seeking health remedies. Consider a vacation to restore your batteries.   Favorable days 7-8

Scorpio – The omnipotent Sun and Venus will enhance employment and business issues. A good time to make personal appearances to increase business or personal needs – you are in the spotlight – put your best foot forward. An admirer can suddenly appear. The Sun enters your solar 11th house on the 22nd and will be joined by a myriad of planetary forces that will provide you with a better quality of friendships that can lead to innovative ideas, and will stimulate personal and business connections. Use new and untried ideas, others will listen. Favorable dates 9-10-11

Sagittarius – Your ruling planet Jupiter transits your solar  10th solar house providing you with fortunate  employment or business issues. It is time to let go of the past and surge ahead. Mars and Saturn transiting your 1st house places you in the driver’s seat – It’s time to make a statement about your personal needs. The Sun brightens up your foresight – travel, education to improve job skills are areas of consideration. Sun enters your solar 10th house after the 22nd  where it will join Mercury  placing the accent on improving work or business issues. Meeting with VIP’s works to your advantage. Favorable dates 12-13

Capricorn – Saturn and Mars entering your solar 12th house on the 3rd can cause difficulties with employment issues. Use caution when dealing with others – business and pleasure – it is best to work alone – not a time to share personal interests with others.  In some cases counseling helps to sort out frustrating issues. After the 22nd the Sun will enter your solar 9th house where it will join the planet Jupiter, Venus and Mercury. Latter aspects can give a positive outlook in planning future events. Travel, education and improving work skills are positive areas. Favorable dates 14-15

Aquarius – Your 7th house receives the rays of the Sun and the planet Venus providing you with improved personal and business relationships. Some of our Aquarian friends may be getting engaged or falling in love.  Stand clear of friends who may not  have your best interest at heart.   Sun will shift on the 22nd  to your solar 8th house where it will be joined by a positive array of planetary force – the latter aspects can stimulate your subconscious needs providing inner peace – act on your intuition it will be spot on.  Favorable dates  16-17-18

Pisces – Cooperation from co-workers or those who service you are positive areas. Good time to consider improving your physical appearance. Consider diet and a medical checkup. Mars enters your solar 10th house on the 3rd and will provide you with the ability to plan future events. Employment and business issues are prime areas of improvement. The Sun shifts gears on the 22nd and  will be joined by  -a myriad of planetary forces placing the spotlight on personal relationships and business connections.  Business and social relationships improve dramatically.  Favorable days 19-20

– Steven Joseph Sinopoli is a renowned astrologer with over 32 years of experience. He has made numerous radio, stage and TV appearances.  Mr. Sinopoli is also the inventor of “The Astro Tarot,” a unique system for reading the tarot cards. To schedule an appointment call us at 973-778-1232.



The Sun shines in Virgo
Life has you on the go
Meeting people new and old
Relationships become bold
Your smile radiates power
Seeds of love begin to flower
The Stars have enlighten too 
True strength lies within you

Camelina McCarthy