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Soros-Funded Catholics
Ripping Mad

(May 5, 2017) Bill Donohue comments on two groups funded by George Soros:

This has not been a good week for two dummy Catholic groups funded by atheist billionaire George Soros.

Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, which unloaded its staff in 2010 and almost went under, is furious at the Republican-sponsored healthcare bill. Instead of offering a detailed critical assessment of the bill, its director, Christopher Hale, offered a rant, branding it “immoral.”

It is a wonder why Soros continues to fund a guy who produces so little. Does he even have an office anymore? I just called Hale’s office and no one answered. Just leave a message, I was told.

Catholics for Choice, a rabidly pro-abortion letterhead funded by Soros, is also going ballistic. On May 3, Jon O’Brien, its president, blew up at Rep. Nancy Pelosi for having the temerity to say that pro-life Democrats were welcome in the Party. He has nothing to worry about: Pelosi and the other leaders in the Democratic Party will never offer a seat at the table to pro-life Democrats—they just want to stop them from bolting.

On May 4, O’Brien said President Trump’s executive order on religious liberty was designed to “destroy the First Amendment.” If critics want to make a mature case explaining why this initiative is a threat to liberty, then they should do so. But to make unsupported indictments is the work of an amateur.

We’ve known for a long time that these two groups dishonestly assume the name “Catholic,” but now it’s evident that they are incapable of sustaining reasoned discourse, choosing instead to resort to bomb- throwing invective.

Hey, George, are you getting any bang for your buck these days?

The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
450 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10123
Phone: 212-371-3191
Fax: 212-371-3394
