Post Eagle Newspaper


Feb 9, 2025

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September Night Blast
At Crazy Horse Memorial

CRAZY HORSE, S.D. – Crazy Horse Memorial announces its autumn Night Blast, Tuesday, September 6. The Legends in Lights® laser show begins at 8:30 p.m. with the Night Blast to follow – weather permitting. Admission to the Memorial will be waived after 5 p.m. In a continued effort to support local food drives, food donations are appreciated.

The September night blast is held in recognition of Crazy Horse’s death (1877) and to commemorate the 108th birth date of sculptor, Korczak Ziolkowski (1908-1982). Oglala Lakota chief, Henry Standing Bear – maternal cousin to Crazy Horse – found great significance in the correlation of Crazy Horse’s death date and the birth date of Ziolkowski.

236508805The Night Blast is a large display of pyrotechnics on the Mountain. The Mountain Crew plans and prepares for weeks in advance for this commemoration display. The Legends in Lights® laser show features beautiful narration and animation projected onto the Mountain prior to the pyrotechnics display.

Night Blasts occur twice a year at Crazy Horse Memorial. The first is June 26 – also a dual anniversary – honoring Ruth Ziolkowski’s birth date (1926-2014) and commemorating the anniversary of the Battle of the Little Big Horn (1876).

Crazy Horse Memorial offers historical and current information about Native American life at the Indian Museum of North America® and the Native American Educational and Cultural Center®. The Mountain Carving Room provides an up-to-date film about the carving team and their progress throughout the summer. Korczak’s Studio-Home and Workshop houses sculptures, artwork and antiques belonging to the Ziolkowski family. Crazy Horse Memorial also offers dining at Laughing Water Restaurant and Snack Shop as well as a Gift Shop.


About Crazy Horse Memorial
Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation’s mission is to honor, protect and preserve the culture, tradition and living heritage of the North American Indians.The Foundation demonstrates its commitment to this endeavor by following these objectives:

  • Continuing the progress on the world’s largest sculptural undertaking by carving a Memorial of Lakota leader, Crazy Horse;
  • Providing educational and cultural programming to encourage harmony and reconciliation among all people and nations;
  • Acting as a repository for Native American artifacts, art and crafts through the Indian Museum of North America® and the Native American Educational & Cultural Center®;
  • Establishing and operating the Indian University of North America®, and when practical, a medical training center for American Indians.
Crazy Horse Memorial
12151 Avenue of the Chiefs
Crazy Horse, SD 57730-8900