Scholarships Being Offered
By Westchester Pulaski Association
The Westchester Pulaski Association Inc., an organization founded to promote the Polish heritage, is again offering scholarship awards to college bound high school seniors of Polish descent residing in Westchester County. This year student recognition awards will be presented along with $500.00 scholarships. Since the inception of this program in 1977, over 348 freshman-year scholarships have been awarded.
Eligibility for the scholarship awards is based upon the following qualifications:
1) The applicant must be of Polish descent. (i.e. one or more parents or grandparents)
2) The applicant must be a resident of Westchester County and must be a graduating high school senior who will be an enrolled college freshman for the 2015-2016 academic year.
3) All applications must be fully completed and postmarked or received by the Scholarship Committee no later than March 6, 2015.
To be considered the application for these scholarship awards must be completed by the student accompanied by the Guidance Counselor’s information sheet (page 5 of application) and an official transcript of the student’s scholastic record.
Completed applications (including student’s photo and essay) should be mailed to the following address: Westchester Pulaski Association, Inc. Scholarship Committee PO Box 543 Yonkers, NY 10702-0543
Completed Applications should be sent through USPS mail –faxed or e- mailed applications will not be considered. The award decisions are based on several areas including: academic record, community service, career aspirations, heritage recognition and financial need. Scholarship payment may only be issued only upon proof of enrollment into college.
These one year awards will be distributed to the recipients as follows:
1) A single payment will be made. This is a one-time scholarship.
2) A letter of acceptance/reply card must be submitted to the Scholarship Committee. Proof of enrollment (a copy of the tuition invoice) for the Fall semester may be required.
3) The award will be paid directly to the recipient.
4) All decisions of this Association’s Scholarship Committee are final.
5) Notification to the recipients will be made approximately three weeks prior to the Annual Scholarship Luncheon held on April 19, 2015 at the Church Hall of the Church of Saint Casimir in Yonkers, New York.
6) To maximize the impact of this funding, students receiving full scholarships from other sources are not eligible. Completed application forms must be postmarked or received by March 6, 2015.
For more information go to our website: or email: