Request For Information From Polish Falcons of America
PFA Headquarters was recently contacted by a writer, Ms. Jane Freund from Pittsburgh, who is researching Haller’s Army and the role of the Polish Falcons in World War I. The Polish Falcons were heavily involved in recruiting and training volunteers to fight for Polish independence during World War I. Ms. Freund hopes to write an article about this history for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. If one of your relatives served in Haller’s Army or if you have other information that you think would be relevant to Ms. Freund’s research, please contact me at You can also call toll free 1-800-535-2071. (The Polish Falcons of America is located at 381 Mansfield Ave., Suite 300, Pittsburgh, PA 15220.)
Thank you for your help!
Gabrielle Toborg, PFA Archivist