Religious Liberty In 2016 Looms Large
Bill Donohue comments on why religious liberty is such a key issue:
An AP-NORC survey finds that the vast majority of Americans believe that preserving religious liberty is a paramount goal, especially for Christians. There is much evidence to support this conviction, and plenty of reasons why this issue looms large in 2016.
The unrelenting assault on the autonomy of Catholic hospitals is the ACLU’s number-one obsession. This is a coordinated nationwide effort that ties together two ACLU staples: its passion for abortion and its hatred of Catholicism.
American Atheists is not interested in promoting atheism: its goal is to attack Christianity. If it were to erect pro-atheist billboards, no one would care; this explains its anti-Christian approach of attacking Christmas. Similarly, Freedom From Religion Foundation likes to display mock nativity scenes—it has nothing positive to offer.
Gay activists from the Human Rights Campaign and GLAAD have forced their way into Catholic affairs in multiple ways. The former stirred up public sentiment against a Catholic school because a teacher violated her contract regarding the sacrament of marriage. Both organizations sought to pry their way into papal events in Philadelphia, pushing their agenda. GLAAD even issued a papal guidebook to journalists hoping to manipulate the event. Fundraising for gay causes is so attractive that even non-gay, but anti-Christian, groups such as Americans United jumped on board by condemning the pope for not promoting gay marriage.
2016 will also see the rise in new alliances attacking Christians. Atheists and Satanists are working hand-in-hand these days, and so are entities such as the American Humanist Association and Catholics for Choice (an anti-Catholic front group). The former is also working with the extremist Muslim group, CAIR (they opposed a Christian war memorial).
The survey findings suggest that the American people will be increasingly receptive in 2016 to groups such as the Catholic League. We will not disappoint them.
The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
450 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10123
Phone: 212-371-3191
Fax: 212-371-3394