Rapper Video Spurs Bigotry and Violence
(May 8, 2019) Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on an obscene video:
Rapper Joyner Lucas is not exactly a household name, but he should be. Not for his singing, but for his thuggery. Lucas deceitfully secured access to a Catholic church, never telling the pastor that he was going to cut a vicious video, “The Devil’s Work.”
The opening scene shows Lucas drinking a bottle of whiskey in an empty church, St. Peter’s in Worcester, Massachusetts, while holding a Bible. That is objectionable enough, but it is nothing compared to what follows.
He then goes into an extended lament over the murder Nipsey Hussel, BIGGIE, Tupac Shakur, Selena, and other performers. He should have stopped there. Instead, he starts cheering for the death of innocent persons. Lucas’ dislike of President Trump, Fox News host LauraIngraham, and Fox contributor Tomi Lahren leads him to call for their speedy death. Here is a sample of his offensive lyrics.
“I pray you give us back the real ones and try again
Or maybe take the niggas that deserve to die instead
Tomi Lahren run her mouth and then she get defensive
Laura Ingraham laughin‘ at death and disrepectin
I really feel like you should teach them stupid hoes a lesson
Either that or give us back somebody who deserve the blessings”
What makes Lucas’ performance so particularly vile is his depiction of Trump, Ingraham and Lahren on a funeral easel surrounded by flowers; their pictures are prominently displayed.
Lucas’ misuse of a Catholic church shows his anti-Catholicism. By referring to the two women as “hoes,” he flashes his sexism. By calling African Americans “niggas,” he sports his racism. And by making a plea for the sudden death of Ingraham and Lahren, he demonstrates his affinity for terrorism.
That this cruel video has won the applause of Rihanna, garnering over 5 million hits, proves that he is not alone in his sickness.
If this isn’t bad enough, Lucas directs all his anger at God. He blames God for the murder of these troubled celebrities, and is outraged that the Almighty would allow for the premature deaths of Michael Jackson andTrayvon Martin. That’s right, God is responsible, not those who self-destructed.
Contact Lucas’ general manager: djoshi@joynerlucas.com
The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
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New York, NY 10123
Phone: 212-371-3191
Fax: 212-371-3394
Email: pr@catholicleague.org