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Raising the Roof
At Holy Rosary

BALTIMORE, Md.  Replacing the roof of Holy Rosary Church, now 90 years old, has become a necessary and pressing concern of the parish. A fund raising campaign is currently underway under the auspices of Pastor Rev. Ryszard Czerniak, SChr. The original slate tiles are cracking and deteriorating causing the roof to leak heavily, especially during severe seasonal weather. Emergency repairs have been undertaken in the past, but it’s now become obvious that the roof is rapidly approaching the end of its life expectancy and in is in dire need of complete replacement.

Pastor Czerniak, in his fund raising appeal to the parishioners and friends of Holy Rosary, intoned that “We owe such gratitude to those who left us this wonderful place. This temple of divine Mercy, in which Rev. Ronald Pytel was healed through the intersection of Sr. Faustina Kowalska, today is our domain for which we are responsible. Our ancestors built this church … It is our duty to pass it on to future generations so that God in His mercy will continue to be worshiped here.”

Tax deductible Raise the Roof support can be sent to directly to Holy Rosary Church, 408 S. Chester St., Baltimore, MD  21231-2729. Contact Information:  Telephone: 410-732-3960, Fax: 410-675-4917, Email: Web Site: offers up complete current church information – along with its most fascinating history.

Photo: Holy Rosary R.C. Church.  The above Romanesque-style church, seating 2,000, was dedicated in 1927. It replaced the 1887 repurposed original church – Our Lady of the Rosary (Parafia Matka Boska Rozancowa) – which was subsequently sold and later demolished.

Pastor Czerniak warmly welcomes your financial support and prayers in support of perpetuating Holy Rosary, “which has become the center of Polish religious, cultural, and social life” in the greater Baltimore area.

Richard P. Poremski
Polish American Journal
Washington, DC Bureau
August 14, 2017
