Presidential Elections In Poland
Postponed Till June 28th
The Covid-19 pandemic combined with fierce obstruction by the all-out liberal-leftist opposition has prevented Poland’s presidential election being held by postal ballot in May as originally planned. Claiming that mail-in ballots posed a health threat to voters, the opposition-controlled Senate purposely delayed its work on the relevant legislation, leaving too little time to organize the election. According to the government, the real reason for the opposition’s anti-election stance was a survey showing 59% support for incumbent Andrzej Duda compared to a humiliating 2% for his Civic Coalition (KO) challenger. The KO’s ever-intriguing leader Borys Budka failed in his attempt to persuade several lawmakers of the ruling coalition to join a non-confidence vote in the government which he hoped would return his party to power. Barring any unforeseen developments, a hybrid mail-in/in-person election has been planned for Sunday, June 28th. Elections in Poland and other countries are always held on Sundays, work-free days for most voters.
Robert Strybel – Warsaw Correspondent