Post Eagle Newspaper


Jan 15, 2025

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Polonians Meet With Congressman Himes
To Protect Polish-American Interests

On April 18, representatives of the Forum Polonius and Polish American Strategic Initiative from Stamford CT met Congressman Jim Himes in his office in Stamford as a part of the S447JUST awareness campaign.

In photo, from left – Barbara Wesołowska (FP and PASI), Congressman Jim Himes, and Wojciech Stan Mazur (FP and PASI)

The meeting was successful and Congressman Himes supported our worries about the unjust character of the S447JUST and law 115-171. As a part of his commitment in the effort of protecting the Polish-American interests, he strongly opposes any sanctions on Poland. These sanctions would be the outcome of Poland’s refusal to surrender to calls of US Department of the State to pay unjust restitutions for heirless property.

We presented J. Himes with these crucial documents :

Luxemburg treaty between West Germany and Jewish Organizations stating that heirless property destroyed on German occupied territories be reimbursed by Germany.

Poland and USA 1960 treaty about reimbursement of nationalized properties of the American Citizens.

Polish Law Codex explaining return of the property to inheritances.

Submitted by Wojciech Stan Mazur
Forum Polonius and Polish American Strategic Initiative
Stamford, CT