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Feb 18, 2025

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Polish/Polonian Heritage
& Lifestyles
(Kindle e-book)

Everything any PolAm needs to know

Reviewed by Teresa Pencak Schwartz

Robert Strybel’s more than 700-page Kindel e-book truly contains most everything any Polish American needs to know. It focuses on Polish customs and traditions, folkways and foodways as well as family and community celebrations of every type. It explains in detail the Polish traditions of Christmas, Mardi Gras, Lent, Easter, St John’s Eve, Harvest Festivals, St Andrew’s Eve and many more as well as such rites of passage as weddings, christenings, namedays, anniversaries and even funerals.

In addition to being a treasure trove of information, Polish/Polonian Heritage & Lifestyles is largely a how-to guide showing practical ways of enriching the American mainstream with the best the Polish and Polonian legacy has to offer. It contains a wealth of information on the Polish language, Polish surnames and genealogy, even suggestions on how to name your family’s new baby. Included are hints on conducting successful fund-raisers and even how to set up a Polish restaurant in your area.

The book also contains a crash course in Polish and Polonian history as well as a compilation of how others have viewed Poles over the past 1,000 years. There are also Polish songs, hymns, poems, sayings and even nativity plays translated into English. In addition, it includes abundant contact data for various cultural resources – Polish-oriented institutions, businesses and organizations.

The result of years of research, this is a one-of-a-kind information and instruction manual for Polish-American groups, families and individuals. Available on Amazon, as a gift, Polish/Polonian Heritage & Lifestyles is a great way to pass our Polish heritage down to the next generation. See:

Check out the table of contents for an inside view of what this amazing compendium contains. PolAms who have read it were delighted to recall customs they remember their grandparents celebrating and amazed to learn things they had never even imagined like Polish dog breeds, names for dogs and cats or how to promote Polish traditions in America and raise funds at the same time. Despite the book’s modest price, this may well turn out to be the best investment in your heritage you have ever made!