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Polish Singers Alliance Updates
On Activities and Coming Events

Now that summer is gone and the Koszalin Experience is but a memory, member choruses of the Polish Singers Alliance of America’s Seventh District from CT, NJ, NY and PA are preparing for a busy and interesting year ahead.

The District 7 Contingent at the Pulaski Day Parade on October 4th in New York City was represented by members from Chopin #182 of Passaic, NJ; Jutrzenka #226 of South Brooklyn, NY; Oginski #283 of Hempstead, NY, , Aria #303 of Wallington, NJ; and Hejnal #323 of Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY. This year’s Contingent Co- Marshals were Ed Blyskal supporting member of Chopin and Barbara Blyskal, President of Jutrzenka. Aides to the Co-Marshals were Yaga Chudy, President of District 7 and Izabella Kobus-Salkin, General Director of the PSAA.

Izabella Kobus-Salkin is organizing a concert celebrating young artists entitled “Polonia Wspiera Talenty” to be held Sunday, October 18th, 2015, corroborating with the Polish Slavic Center at 177 Kent Street in Greenpoint, NY at 5:00 p.m. Admission is FREE. A free-will offering. would be appreciated.

Jutrzenka is preparing to lead in song as well as sing at Council 84’s Veteran’s Day Commemoration to be held on Saturday, November 7, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. in the gardens of the Grande Prospect Hall 263 Prospect Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, where stands a WWII Monument listing over 700 names of Polish-American Brooklynites who served in the Armed Forces. Come and see if your relative’s name is listed. Expected to participate are the members of the Edward Lukowski VFW Post # 7096 and Ladies Auxiliary; The Polish Scouting Organization; Children of O.L.Czestochowa-St. Casimir’s Polish Supplementary School; Borough President the Honorable Eric L. Adams; and O.L.Czestochowa- St. Casimir’s Administrator, the Reverend Janusz Dymek who will offer the Invocation and Benediction for the ceremoniy. All are cordially welcome to attend.

Jutrzenka will be singing at the Confirmation Ceremonies at St. Rose if Lima R.C.Church in Far Rockaway, NY on Friday, November 20, 2015 at 7:00 pm. The His Excellency, the Right Reverend Bishop Witold Mroziewski will officiate.

On May 21, 2016 the singers of District 7 are looking forward to their 65th District 7 Convention at which time Choral Competitions, Mass, Concert and Awards Banquet will fill the day’s events. Keep the date in mind and plan to attend. Jutrzenka Female Chorus #226 will be hosting the convention at Our Lady of Czestochowa-St. Casimir Parish in South Brooklyn.

For further information, call 718-720-6089, 917-913-3133 or 201-681-7980.

Submitted by Barbara Blyskal