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Polish Singers Alliance
Upcoming Calendar of Events

By Barbara Blyskal

DECEMBER  4, 2016  (Sunday) POLONIA-PADEREWSKI Mixed Chorus #287 present KONCERT KOLED at Most Holy Trinity Church in Wallingford, CT at 3 pm. For details, call Bozena Madej at 860-675-1761.

DECEMBER 4, 2016  (Sunday) CHOPIN MALE CHORUS #182 – “ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CONCERT” at the Polish-American Cultural Center (Polish People’s Home) 1-3 Monroe Street, Passaic, NJ at 3:00 pm. For info re: reservations, call Arthur Sroka at 973-916-0788.

DECEMBER 6, 2016 (Tuesday) POLONIA-PADEREWSKI #287- KONCERT KOLED  sing at Msgr. Bojnowski Home  50 Pulaski St., New Britain, CT  –   6:00 pm.

DECEMBER 6, 2016  (Tuesday) POLONIA-PADEREWSKI #287 present KONCERT KOLED at St. Lucian Home  532 Burritt St., New Britain, CT. For info call Bozena Madej at 860-675-1761.

DECEMBER 11, 2016  (Sunday) ARIA Mixed Chorus #303  OPLATEK and CHRISTMAS CONCERT – 2:00 pm – Cracovia Manor,  196 Main Ave., Wallington, NJ. For details call Ewa Karcz at 973-980-9326.

DECEMBER 11, 2016  ( Sunday) MARCELLA KOCHANSKA-SEMBRICH Female Chorus #321 Christmas Concert at ASSOCIATED POLISH HOME 9150 Academy Road, Philadelphia, PA featuring students of the Adam Mickiewicz Polish Language School – 2:30 pm; light reception to follow. For information call Deborah Majka 215-627-1391.

DECEMBER 24, 2016  (Saturday) POLONIA-PADEREWSKI #287 sing prior to and during MIDNIGHT MASS – PASTERKA – Holy Cross Church in New Britain, CT. For details, call Bozena Madej at 860-675-1761.

JANUARY 8, 2017 ( Sunday) JUTRZENKA Female Chorus #226 sing during 11:00 am Polish Mass, followed immediately  by their ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CONCERT at Our Lady of Czestochowa – St. Casimir Church , 183  25th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11232. At 2:00 pm will attend the parish OPLATEK in the lower school hall. If you wish to come and/or  join them, for details and/or reservations, call Barbara R. Blyskal at 718-720-6089.

JANUARY 22, 2017  (Sunday) PSAA’S DISTRICT 7 CHORUSES gather to present their ANNUAL CHRISTMAS/WINTER CONCERT at the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Chuch in Wallington, NJ: 12:30 pm Mass immediately followed by  their CONCERT. Guest groups and individuals will provide an interesting and varied   musical afternoon.  Concert is free of charge; Free-will donations will be gladly accepted.  For specifics, call District President, Yaga Chudy at 201-681-7980.


All  member choruses of the Polish Singers Alliance of America are inviting individuals who have a musical background, enjoyed singing in their school choruses, love to sing, want to improve their health, want to relieve stress, etc., etc.,etc… NOW IS THE TIME to join their local PSAA Chorus. At this moment, the choruses are preparing beautiful Polish Christmas Koledy and music of the Season as noted in their Calendar of Upcoming Events.

They are looking forward to preparing music for their 51st International PSAA Convention which will take place May 26th –  28th, 2017 in Philadelphia, the “City of Brotherly Love”. The convention will encompass Business Sessions, Choral Competition, Dinner Dance,  Awards Breakfast,  Thanksgiving Mass, and Gala Concert. Choruses from neighboring Canada, as well as the United States, particularly the  states of Connecticut, Michigan, New Jersey, New York  and  Pennsylvania will be enjoying their Singers Holiday together hosted by District 7 under the auspices of the Marcella Kochanska-Sembrich Chorus #321 of Philadelphia.

If interested,  give Yaga Chudy, President of District 7 a call for more information. Her telephone number is 201-681-7980.

For more information about achorus near you, do call Mary Lou Wyrobek, President of the Central Administration of the PSAA located in Buffalo, NY. Her telephone number is  716-875-7513.