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Polish Christmas Carol Sing Along Brings Back Fond Memories


MASSACHUSETTS – On Sunday, January 6, 2013, the Polish Heritage Committee ofNorthampton presented a Polskie Kolędy Sing Along in observance of Epiphany (Feast of Three of Kings).  The event was held at St. Valentine’s Polish National Catholic Church.  The one and one half hour sing along was very well received with approximately 150 people in attendance.

The lead choir was comprised of members from area churches (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Northampton, Our Lady of the Valley, Easthampton, Holy Family, South Deerfield, Most Holy Redeemer, Hadley and St. Valentine, Northampton).  Organists for the event included Leo Rotkiewicz, Holy Family Parish, Jean Gromacki, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish and Arlene (Sadoski) Tierney, St. Valentine’s Parish.

Polskie_Koledy_photo_3  The program included 14 traditional Polish carols such as Cicha Noc, Gdy Się Chrystus Rodzi, Wesoła Nowina and Mędrcy Swiata.  Sing along sheets were provided to all attendees.  During the intermission, Rev. Adam Czarnecki, the new pastor of St. Valentine’s Church, blessed incense and chalk and provided a brief explanation of the Polish tradition of marking the door entrance and lintels with the initials 20K+M+B 13.

Area priests in attendance included the Very Rev. Fryderyk Banas, Holy Cross Polish National Catholic Church (PNCC), Ware, MA, Rev. Randolph Calvo, Holy Name of Jesus PNCC, South Deerfield, MA and Rev. Pawel Lukaszewicz, Holy Mother of the Rosary PNCC, Chicopee, MA.

During the carol sing, many attendees shed tears of joy as they sang the beautiful Polish Carols- bringing back fond memories of years past.  Upon leaving the church many people said “we hope this event will be held annually – it was very beautiful”.

The event culminated with a reception and fellowship in the Church Hall.  The Polish Heritage Committee is already planning to make the Polskie Kolędy Sing Along an annual event.