Polish American Citizens Club
of Whitehouse Station Presents Scholarship
- PostEagle
- July 29, 2014
- Uncategorized
NEW JERSEY – The Polish American Citizens Club of Whitehouse Station presented a $500 scholarship to Andrew Lachenmayr, a Hunterdon Central High School senior. The presentation was made during the club’s June Board Meeting at Liberty Hall in Whitehouse Station.
In photo (from left): Andrew Lachenmayr, Deborah Libero, PACC President, and Fred Miller, PACC Treasurer. Photo Credit: Dave Gilliam
Andrew will attend Ithaca College, and study International Business and German. Andrew has been involved with two student exchanges in high school and is looking forward to more opportunities to study and work internationally. He is grateful for the generous scholarship and support of the Polish American Citizens Club.
The Polish American Citizens Club is dedicated to fostering Polish traditions and culture through fellowship, food, education and social interaction. Any adult of Polish or Slovak descent interested in membership or any other information may visit www.paccwhs.org.
Submitted by Jangie Jankiewicz
Publicity Coordintor.