Post Eagle Newspaper


Feb 9, 2025

32°F, scattered clouds
New Jersey

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Petition for Proper Funding
For Clifton Schools

During my term in office, I have made it my practice to respond to each and every letter or e-mail received from the constituents of District 34.  Over the past few months, I have received over 2000 e-mails expressing support for increasing the funding of Clifton schools. Unfortunately, due to the manner in which the e-mails have been sent, I cannot respond to them individually. Therefore, I am taking this opportunity to respond to the community on this important issue.

The NJ Department of Education has short-changed the Clifton school system for many years and it is time Clifton received the appropriate funding to enable us to continue to provide high-quality education to our children.

The members of the District 34 legislative delegation, Senator Nia Gill, Assemblywoman Sheila Oliver, and myself, have met with the Essex County School Board Association to discuss the needs of the respective school districts that we represent and with the Clifton Superintendent of School Richard Tardalo to obtain his input. These meetings have been extremely productive and we will continue to take action to rectify this long overdue funding inequity.  You will be receiving notice of a Town Hall meeting on Wednesday, May 10th  at Clifton City Hall and I encourage you to participate.

I commend Mr. Joe Canova for his successful effort in engaging the Clifton community in this important issue. It is important for citizens to take an active role in government in order to make it work effectively. I ask that the citizens of Clifton continue to keep me apprised of any suggestions or comments you may have on the critical issues facing our State.

Thomas P. Giblin
34th Legislative District
New Jersey