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PASI Town Hall Meeting
This Sunday, Aug. 22nd

Polish American Strategic Initiative (PASI) invites you to a Zoom Town Hall Meeting for Polish American Organizations in support of the Social Security Fairness Act of 2021 (H.R 82 and S. 1302).

The proposed Social Security Fairness Act is to eliminate the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP), which deprives Polish American and other retirees of their hard-earned Social Security retirement benefits.

·         WHEN:  Sunday, August 22, 2021, 8:30 pm Eastern Time

·         WHERE:  Join Zoom Meeting

·         MEETING ID: 810 263 0146

WEP as well as GPO (Government Pension Offset) penalize 2.5 million immigrants and government workers with non-covered employment.

Join us on ZOOM and learn why WEP is discriminatory, unjust, and what Polonia can do to repeal it. Support the Social Security Fairness Act to fully repeal both the GPO and WEP for the benefit of millions of immigrants and public servants.

You can learn more about the Windfall Elimination Provision here:

Additional information:

·         PASI, together with the Missouri, Ohio, New Jersey and Long Island Divisions of Polish American Congress as well as the Coalition of Polish Americans, wants to bring this issue to the attention of the US Congress for the sole purpose of eliminating this unjust and hurtful law.

·         We will need the support of all Polish American Organizations, to form a united front to repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision.

·         Please review both letters (see below) that we intend to send to both Houses of the US Congress and sign the Declaration of Support on behalf of your organization.

·         The more organizations we can list on our letter to Congress the more of an impact we will have to persuade Congress to take action against the established law.


We look forward to having as many signatures of Polish American organizations as possible.  We hope you can join us for the zoom meeting. If you cannot join us for the zoom meeting, we would appreciate it if you could sign the Declaration of Support on behalf of your organization as soon as possible.

This is the most critical step to make our voices heard.

Please reply to this invitation by sending us one of the following statements by August 21, 2021.

I accept the invitation and will attend. 

I am unable to attend, but I will sign the Declaration of Support.  

Edward Wojciech Jeśman, President
PASI -Polish American Strategic Initiative



LETTER TO CONGRESS ………………………, 2021

The Honorable ……………….

Re: The Social Security Fairness Act of 2021 (S. 1302)

Dear Senator,

Members of numerous Polish American organizations within the United States representing your constituents and signed below urge you to support the legislation for S.1302, also known as the Social Security Fairness Act of 2021.

The S. 1302 bill aims to repeal the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) from the existing Social Security Act. In addition to negatively impacting the disability benefits of many, these provisions are unfair to countless government workers and legal immigrants because they drastically reduce their Social Security retirement benefits of up to 50% of their non-Social Security pensions. The GPO and WEP provisions are especially unjust towards legal immigrants whose small retirement pensions come from their native countries. Many of your constituents affected by these provisions fled persecution under repressive governments. These are primarily first-generation immigrants who retire with a very modest income, which combines social security benefits and foreign retirement. Their combined income frequently falls below the poverty threshold.

These legal immigrants did not have an option to work at jobs covered by Social Security in their native countries, therefore punishing them by reducing their Social Security benefit is discriminatory and unjust. Their foreign pension is not, by any means, a WINDFALL.

We know that Congress has heard before from thousands of public employees about this issue but has not acted on the subject. We are asking for your help. You are empowered with the authority and ability to make a difference in many current and future retirees’ lives. We urge you to support the Social Security Fairness Act of 2021. If enacted into law, it would restore a much-needed sense of justice to many retirees.

Your constituents are counting on your voice to represent them. Please support S.1302.

Best regards,
Edward Wojciech Jeśman, President
PASI – Polish American Strategic Initiative


LETTER TO CONGRESS ………………………, 2021

The Honorable ……………….

Re: The Social Security Fairness Act of 2021 (H.R. 82)

Dear Representative

Members of numerous Polish American organizations within the United States representing your constituents and signed below urge you to support the legislation for H.R. 82, also known as the Social Security Fairness Act of 2021.

The H.R. 82 bill aims to repeal the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) from the existing Social Security Act. In addition to negatively impacting the disability benefits of many, these provisions are unfair to countless government workers and legal immigrants because they drastically reduce their Social Security retirement benefits of up to 50% of their non-Social Security pensions or even more for older retirees. The GPO and WEP provisions are especially unjust towards legal immigrants whose small retirement pensions come from their native countries. Many of your constituents affected by these provisions fled persecution under repressive governments. These are primarily first-generation immigrants who retire with a very modest income, which combines social security benefits and foreign retirement. Their combined income frequently falls below the poverty threshold.

These legal immigrants did not have an option to work at jobs covered by Social Security in their native countries, therefore punishing them by reducing their Social Security benefit is discriminatory and unjust. Their foreign pension is not, by any means, a WINDFALL.

We know that Congress has heard before from thousands of public employees about this issue but has not acted on the subject. We are asking for your help. You are empowered with the authority and ability to make a difference in many current and future retirees’ lives. We urge you to support the Social Security Fairness Act of 2021.  If enacted into law, it would restore a much-needed sense of justice to many retirees.

At the same time, we request that you REJECT the recently introduced Bill H.R. 2337 known as Public Servants Protection and Fairness Act of 2021. The submitted bill unequally applies the WEP provision to different groups of retirees. The H.R. 2337 bill discriminates against public workers based on their retirement eligibility dates and discriminates against legal immigrants by not including them in the proposed law. Your constituents are counting on your voice to represent them.  Please support H.R. 82.

Best regards,
Edward Wojciech Jeśman, President
Polish American Strategic Initiative