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Orchard Lake Honors Pinkowski and Cosby

MICHIGAN – On April 13, 2013 the ballroom of the Townsend Hotel in Birmingham, Michigan, filled with the members of the Orchard Lake Ambassadors, the alumni and friends who support  the Endowment Fund for the Polish School and Seminary. The glittering assembly was led by First Ambassadors Bob and Patti Koval, and Msgr. Thomas C. Machalski, Rector of the Orchard Lake Schools.

This year’s Ball was an opportunity to honor two men of Polonia with the Fidelitas Medal, awarded for their fidelity in serving God, country and the Orchard Lake Schools.

Edward Pinkowski

Edward Pinkowski, the Fidelitas Medal awardee for 2013, served in the United States Navy during WWII. He is universally recognized as one of the leading scholars specializing in Polish-American history.  Among his accomplishments is research into the lives of Tadeusz Kosciuszko and Casimir Pulaski which brought to light heretofore unknown facts about these heroes of the American Revolution. He has written several books, numerous articles and scholarly monographs. Currently, at 96 years of age, he resides in Florida but still carries on various projects through the Poles in America Foundation which he established.

Richard Cosby

Richard Cosby (Kossobudzki), whose actions during the Warsaw Uprising of 1944 are now well known from the book “Quiet Hero” was the recipient for 2012. Unfortunately, his illness and death that year precluded the Fidelitas Medal from being awarded to him.  He came to the United States in 1956 after fleeing Poland after WWII and obtaining a Civil Engineering Degree in England. In the United States he worked on high profile projects such as the US Interstate Highway System in Connecticut and the Niagara Power Plant. He devoted much of his free time to supporting the Scouting movement in the United States and assisting the American Red Cross.

It was unfortunate that neither of the two above named individuals could be present at the event.

Receiving the award for her father Richard was Rita Cosby, the Emmy Award winning television reporter.

Peter Obst, Mr. Pinkowski’s assistant at the Poles in America Foundation, accepted the award as his representative.

After a fine meal, there was an auction of a masterful sports portrait of baseball star Stan Musial by Artist Doug West. A baseball bat signed by “Stan the Man” was also sold to benefit the endowment of the Orchard Lake Schools. There was also a silent auction that included everything from Polish vodka to bicycles and amber jewelry.

Guests danced until the late hours to the music of the Rick Leider Band. So ended the 40th Annual Ambassadors Ball after raising much needed funds to the benefit of the many worthwhile projects at the Orchard Lake Schools.

In photo at beginning of article: (credit: Jackie “Jadzia” Kolowski)
(l. to r.) Rita Cosby, Msgr. Thomas C. Machalski, Peter J. Obst
