Post Eagle Newspaper


Feb 17, 2025

32°F, scattered clouds
New Jersey

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Ojczyzna Polish Dancers of Baltimore
Go-Fund-Me Campaign

Trip To The International Folk Dance Festival In Rzeszow, Poland This Coming July

MARYLAND – Ojczyzna is the only adult Polish folk dance group in the MD/DC/NoVA region. PLEASE, consider donating to our own Ojczyzna Polish Dancers’ Go-Fund-Me campaign for their trip to the International Folk Dance Festival in Rzeszow, Poland this coming July. Ojczyzna Polish Dancers have been invited to represent the Polish communities throughout Maryland and Washington, D.C. at the International Festival of Polish Folklore in Rzeszów, Poland. The festival is invitation only, and it is truly an honor to be chosen. Members of the children’s Krakowiaki Dance Group will be joining us as well. In order to make this trip a reality, we need help covering the enormous expenses involved, which include travel and room & board for more than 30 performers and transportation of the authentic costumes used in performances, all of which will total more than $30,000. Further details are on their GoFundMe page. Here’s the link —

Many thanks, in advance, for any level of help you might provide!
