Ocean County Library Celebrates
90th Anniversary!
- PostEagle
- September 23, 2015
- Uncategorized
TOMS RIVER – An atmosphere of fun, pride and history all came together Friday, Sept. 18 and Saturday, Sept. 19 as hundreds of library visitors took part in multiple celebrations of the Ocean County Library’s 90th anniversary.
In photo: OCL Director Susan Quinn, at left, joins Berkeley Township Mayor Carmen Amato, Berkeley Branch Manager Erin Delucia and Friends of the Berkeley Branch Library Marie Goione during Friday’s celebration of the Ocean County Library’s 90th Anniversary party. The Berkeley Branch was one of 17 locations that observed the multi-branch event.
The multi-branch event featured refreshments, balloons, and special guests to commemorate nearly a century of service to residents of Ocean County.
“We were very pleased that so many members of the public came out to join us in commemorating our special day.” Quinn credited the hard work of the library staff, Ocean County Library Foundation and Friends of the Library groups that were involved in the celebration, and noted that the library has been observing its 90th anniversary since January by providing special decade themed programs spotlighting the history and popular culture during the time that the library has been in service to the community.
“This is a landmark year for the Ocean County Library. We’ve done a lot this year to celebrate “90 Brilliant Years” of library service to the community,’’ Ocean County Library Foundation Chairperson Mary O. Malagiere said. The Foundation was established in 2001 to support and enhance the services and opportunities offered to all Ocean County Library users.
“A special thank you to the OCL Friends groups for all their support in planning activities and providing refreshments for special 90th anniversary birthday celebrations in our branches. OCL Friends have helped make OCL shine for 90 Brilliant Years,’’ Supervising Librarian Judy Macaluso said.
“The Ocean County Library has seen many changes during the past 90 years. Just a few years ago we could not have imagined the importance of the Internet or the popularity of e-books. One thing has not changed, however, and that is the commitment and dedication of our many librarians, staff members and volunteers,’’ Ocean County Freeholder Joseph Vicari said.
Vicari, who serves as library liaison to the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders said, “Everyone who visits one of our many branches, whether they are looking for the latest best seller, a classic movie or that hard-to-find piece of information for a school project, is made to feel welcome by our friendly and knowledgeable professionals. It’s been a great 90 years, but as anyone in our libraries can tell you, the best is yet to come.’’