NYC Store Removes Vile Remark
Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on the Bedford Cheese Shop, a store with locations in Brooklyn and Manhattan:
If the Bedford Cheese Shop did this to some other religious figure, the owner would be in serious trouble. But she chose to defile Mother Teresa, which is why there will be no physical retaliation. They should nonetheless be punished by everyone, not just Catholics: a boycott is in order.
At the Manhattan store, the card display of Brebirousse D’argentalcheese says, “The texture is as close to heaven that we have found here on earth. Kinda like going down on mother [sic] Teresa herself, divine.”
The store, which is owned by Charlotte Kamin, is ignoring complaints. Perhaps she would like to hear from you.
(July 26, 2017) Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on the response by the Bedford Cheese Shop to our protest over an obscene statement made about Mother Teresa:
At exactly 3:16 p.m., I emailed the Bedford Cheese Shop saying, “What you have done to Mother Teresa is vile. Please remove and apologize to Catholics.”
At exactly 3:16 p.m., we received the following email from the store: “We have received your email regarding the cheese description. Please be aware that the sign was taken down. Have a blessed day.”
Our missives must have crossed in the mail. Only half of what I requested has been honored. An apology is still needed.
It is important they hear from you.
The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
450 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10123
Phone: 212-371-3191
Fax: 212-371-3394
July 27, 2017
Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on how the Bedford Cheese Shop issue ended.
After insulting Catholics with an obscene assault on Mother Teresa, the Bedford Cheese Shop—responding to a flood of emails protesting its vile stunt—pulled the offensive statement. I contacted the store saying I was happy with that decision, and asked for an apology.
Less than an hour after my email request was sent, the store sent out a barrage of emails to complainants saying the following:
“We have received your email regarding the cheese description. Please be aware that the sign was taken down. We sincerely apologize for any hurt or anger, none of which was intentional. We hope you have a blessed day.”
This is a lie—it was intentional. No matter, they got the message. Their decision not to send me the statement of apology was purely political: they did not want to appear as if they lost. But they did, and everyone knows it, including them.
Thanks to all who contacted the bigots. Your input is invaluable.