- PostEagle
- November 23, 2012
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Stop Traitors & Criminals From
Starting Wars
To Editor of Post Eagle,
We owe much to veterans past and present. The real criminals that start these wars are never caught.
Much must be brought forth to stop these traitors & criminals from starting new wars, etc.
A must read is the 21 pages of Louis T. McFadden’s speech in the House of Representatives on June 10, 1932. Page 12 … how millions were sent to Germany (in Gold) in 1932. Naturally to help Hitler.
It was Catholic Von Papen and the Zentrum (German Centre Party – a Catholic Party tracing back its history to the Weimar Republic and before) that got Hitler into power in 1933.
Hitler was merely a pawn in the hands of the Jesuits of the papacy.
Immense sums belong to our national bank depositors which have been given to Germany on no collateral security whatever. Billions upon billions of our money has been pumped into Germany by the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks. On April 27, 1932, the Federal Reserve outfit sent $750,000, belonging to American bank depositors, in gold to Germany. A week later, another $300,000 in gold was shipped to Germany in the same way.
About the middle of May, 12,000,000 in gold was shipped to Germany by the Federal Reserve banks. Almost every week there is a shipment of Gold to Germany. H.S. Kenan. The Federal Reserve Bank. The Noontide Press 1966. p. 158. The Federal Reserve Bank was a creation of the Jesuits.
The Federal Reserve Bank is NOT AMERICAN, it is our enemy financing our enemies.
Lincoln said the Civil War would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to poverty that we now see our land redefined with the blood of her noblest sons… I pity the priests, the bishops and the monks of Rome in the United States when the people realize that they are, in great part, responsible for the tears and the bloodshed in this war. Ibid p.p. 296-297.
Also in fulfilling the Councils of Vienna, Verona & Chieri, the Catholic Church divided the north and the south through their agent John C. Calhoun. They sought to destroy the economy through Nicholas Biddle (American financier who served as the president of the Bank of the United States) and then they used the poison cup and the assassins bullet to assassinate and attempt to assassinate a total of five presidents within a span of twenty-five years.
Also Lincoln said, “Unfortunately, I feel more and more every day that it is not against the Americans of the South alone, I am finding it is more against the Pope of Rome, his perridiculous Jesuits and their blind and blood thirsty slaves, etc., etc. Several members of the Family of Jeff Davis belong to the Church of Rome.”
Much more can be written on the traitors that start our wars. Blowing up the trade center, A.P. Murrah Federal Building, etc.
A WWII Veteran
Maybe A Pulaski Day Baby!
Hi! How R ya?
To commemorate the Gift of Life and Namesake, officers/members of North Arlington’s Knights of Columbus – Queen of Peace Council #3428 gave $100 gift certificate to 2012 Columbus Day Baby Journey Taylor who was born in Passaic’s Saint Mary’s Hospital. Public Relations Director Mrs. Warner and co-ordinator Erik Ramos helped with the special occasion. (The Post Eagle, November 14th).
Does any Polish organization do likewise for Pulaski Day Baby born in Passaic’s Saint Mary’s Hospital?
Friendly yours,