Letters 3-5-14
- PostEagle
- March 11, 2014
- Uncategorized
Fairness In Tenant/Landlord Disputes Now Law
Editor – The Post Eagle
Hi! How R ya?
Re: “Increase Fairness in Tenant/Landlord Disputes Now Law” (The Post Eagle, Feb. 5). Thanks. (I had personal experience).
Tenants in apartment above made NOISE – bangs, thumps day & night in kitchen & bedroom. Went up to talk. Their door slammed in my face. Super and Landlord said they’d speak to tenant. Noise continued even after more complaints.
Appeals to several local attorneys were fruitless. A lawyer said he gets $200 an hour. I couldn’t afford it.
New Equal law allows me to prepare a case. The attorney who agrees with me is now guaranteed his/her fee.
I thank New Jersey Tenants Organization (NJTO) and NJ Officials for equal protection — Tenants & Landlords. NJTO is a good source of Tenant Rights/Protections. Multiple-dwelling tenants need to be members of New Jersey Tenants Organization (98 Linwood Plaza #233, Fort Lee, NJ 07024, 201-342-3775, Fax 201-342-3776 e-mail: info@njto.org – www.njto.org
Friendly yours,
President and Alinsky?
May I ask Professor Hunter if he ever read Saul David Alinsky? Does he know that President Obama was / is a student of the Leftist, Alinsky?
Not only is the President an Alinsky’ite, but he is 100% pro-abortion.