Post Eagle Newspaper


Feb 14, 2025

32°F, scattered clouds
New Jersey

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Letters 3-19-14

You Don’t Know What’s In The Bill,
But Yet You Pass It!


Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said on 3/9/10 concerning “Obamacare”: “We have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it.”

How in the name of King John Sobieski can anyone vote for her?! The Democrats did!!!

P.S. I’m an Independent voter: neither Democrat or Republican.



Donahue And The Pope Are In Error

To Post Eagle
Letters to the Editor:

Regarding The Catholic League for Religious Freedom and Civil Rights CEO Bill Donahue’s March 12 article in support of the Pope’s recent homily about threats to Catholicism, Donahue and the Pope are in error when they maintain the “two greatest threats to Catholicism are militant secularism at home and militant Islamism abroad.”

The two greatest threats to the Catholic church are its hypocrisy of: 1) the worldwide toleration and protection of pedophile priests, and 2) the use of the Catholic church’s tax-free billions, as the world’s wealthiest institution, to defend pedophile priests and the church’s reputation.

One of the League’s main functions is the defense of Catholic priests against accusations of child sexual abuse while the League savages priests’ victims, their advocates and attorneys. Were it not for the courage of priests’ victims, this tragedy and scandal would have remained hidden by the church.

Among the League’s other campaigns is anti-Semitism. Donahue says, “Hollywood is controlled by secular Jews.” His organization promotes the beatification of Pope Pius XII, Hitler’s Pope, and defends the actor Mel Gibson’s anti-Semitic tirades. The only “religious freedom” Donahue tolerates is Catholicism and the primary “civil right” he espouses is the sexual abuse of children by Catholic clergy.

To date, no pope has held the institution accountable for clergy abuse. The most Pope Benedict XVI did regarding criminal clerical behavior across South America by the Legionnaires of Christ founder Marcial Maciel was to force Maciel into retirement. Pope Benedict’s own retirement – the first in 600 years – was the result of his acknowledged  weariness from the unabated clerical child abuse crisis requiring a more vigorous leader. Time will tell if Pope Francis is that leader.

In general, Catholics appear to be no longer shocked by the international criminal behavior of Catholic clerics and their protectors.

If Jesus were alive today, He would drive Donahue and his ilk out of the temple.

Phyllis Merriam



Thanks E.F.O.!

Dear Editor:

Like to say what a pleasure it was to listen and dance to the Eddie Forman Orchestra at the Polish American Social Club of Vero Beach FL last month (February).

They performed exceptionally great from the beginning to the end of the afternoon.

Thanks E F O

Sebastian, FL