Post Eagle Newspaper


Jan 23, 2025

32°F, scattered clouds
New Jersey

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Letters 1-29-14

Your Entitled To Your Own Opinion But Not Your Own Facts

To Pat Grzywacz:

Nice quote except it isn’t real…  Just made up to criticize  our President who is at least trying to do the right thing.  So, tie any policy somehow in your land of fantasy and hatred of the President to socialism (or in the case of your co-complainer, Orzel Kalinowski, to something Jewish), or somehow to Hitler, and that’s it.

So, I have some questions for you:

Do you support Social Security? Medicare? Aid to Education? Bank Insurance? Unemployment Insurance? Anything that helps average Americans?

Do you receive or have you received any of these benefits? If you have, you are not just an individual who would literally “make up a quote” but one who is a hypocrite.

Here is a “real quote”: “You are entitled to your own opinion but not to your own facts.”




Thanks Annie!

Thank you Annie Golembewski for the Pondering Puzzles, we look forward to them each week.  Thanks also to the Post Eagle for having the January 15th issue answers listed below the puzzle.  Makes it very convenient!

Marie Aniolowski Majercak