Post Eagle Newspaper


Feb 14, 2025

32°F, scattered clouds
New Jersey

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Letters 1-15-14

Courage And Shrewdness

The courage and shrewdness displayed by the family of Mr. Czeslaw Polciec and all other Christian Polanders, who under penalty of sure death, for them and their families, imposed by the Germans for hiding and saving Jews during the German occupation of Poland during World War Two, can best be put into perspective by comparing the actions of millions of American Jews and others, who with nothing to risk, did absolutely nothing to save the lives of over 900 Jewish refugees, from being returned to Germany on a ship that for a time was anchored off the Miami Florida coast in June 1939. The Jewish refugees on board the German Liner, SS St. Louis, after being denied a safe haven from Hitler’s persecution, by three North American countries, Cuba, USA and Canada, were returned to Europe where many of them perished under Hitler’s German Rule. The year of 1939 was not a noble year for civilization.

Walt Borkowski


“One Broke CBS”

Many thanks to G. Brezecki and his comments on the anti-Polish “Two Broke Girls” (12-25-13 PE).

I’m sure many if not most readers were not aware of this negative view on Polish-Americans. On referring to a “Nanny” who passed away, this comment, “I could barely… eat her!” It then goes on to explain the Nanny was a goat. Too late, the laughs were recorded.

Strange, Black & Asian characters were not mocked. How come?

This is just an updated version of “All In The Family”, another dig by that creep, Norman Lear. You can see and judge this show on CBS, Monday at 8:30 p.m.

If you call, you must wait until you can record your comments.



Clifton Cares Thanks All For Their Support

Christine Grabowski-Witmyer
Editor, Post Eagle

Dear Ms. Witmyer,

Clifton Cares would like to extend our thanks to all our supporters for making our 2013 year such a success. We mailed over 500 packages this year and the generous Clifon’ites made it possible.

Our packages are sent every 2 months and only once last year did we have to postpone a packing night due to lack of funds. But our dedicated volunteers and wonderful citizens of Clifton always come through for our soldiers.

Our project began in August 2010 and will continue until all our soldiers are out of harms way in war zones. So keep the supplies coming into City Hall.

Our Holiday packing last week brought out 45 volunteers to pack 131 boxes. The feeling you get when you see our volunteers is emotional as they pack each box with goodies; but the best ingredient is their love and thanks.

A special thank you to  Patrick Doremus, our volunteer, who worked with the Clifton Postmaster and Assistant Postmaster to transport the packages to the Post Office. A wonderful support team made sure that the packages transitioned to the Post Office and were processed timely to reach our troops.

Thank you to our Clifton Cares Volunteers. You are AWESOME!  This project is successful because of your dedication and your generosity.

Thank you to our newspapers, Clifton Journal, Clifton Insider, Post Eagle and Clifton Magazine, and Cable 40/77 for your continuing coverage which gets the word out to our citizens of our need.

We of course are hoping for the return of all our troops, but until that day, Clifton Cares will still continue to bring that little bit of home to our troops.

With much appreciation,
Lizz Gagnon, Dona Crum, Chris Liszner
Founders of Clifton Cares


Needs Legal Help

Hello Polish Readers,

I was terminated right before Christmas because I spoke up against the dishonesty and lack of integrity that was going on. My used fabrication to terminate me while I was on disability due to the harassment and hostile environment. If you are a lawyer and can give me free consultation, then please do call to discuss the details.

732 620 9092