KF Announces Scholarship In Natural Sciences
The Drs. James and Wanda Trefil Scholarship in the Natural Sciences is now open. The scholarship is open to Polish American students who are current college freshmen, sophomores, and juniors who are majoring in the natural sciences (biology, physics, chemistry, bio-chemistry, etc.). A minimum GPA of 3.5 is required. Scholarships will be awarded for next academic year, Fall 2021/Spring 2022.
You may apply on-line at any time from now through the Deadline Date: January 28, 2021.
The direct link to the Drs. Trefil Scholarship description and the application forms will be found here: https://www.thekf.org/kf/scholarships/tuition/science/
- Alternatively, you may go to the Kosciuszko Foundation’s web-site: www.thekf.org Choose Tuition Scholarships. You’ll find the link for the Drs. Trefil Scholarship under the heading, Undergraduate level funding.
Please read the entire scholarship page before you apply. You’ll want to complete the financial information form and prepare your supporting documents before you apply on-line.
Applicants for the Drs. Trefil Scholarship are asked to save their files according to the following file naming convention: TR22-Your Last Name-Your First Name-Description of the Item .
TR is a reference to the Trefil scholarship.
22 is a reference to the year of the scholarship: Fall 2021/Spring 2022.
When you have all your supporting materials ready, set aside enough time to complete the entire on-line application without taking a break. You won’t be able to save your answers and continue later.
Complete the application with care and attention. Be sure to provide complete address information including apartment numbers. This will insure that any mail we send to you will be delivered properly. If you live away from home, make sure you provide us with the dates of validity for your current address / dormitory address.
Please be sure to use proper capitalization for universities, street names, etc. Kindly use mixed upper and lower case letters, rather than caps. Good: John Smith – Not Good: JOHN SMITH
Also, please do not wait until the last minute to apply.
Dr. James Trefil and his wife, Dr. Wanda O’Brien Trefil have made this scholarship available once again this year. The KF scholarship page includes a link to an article about them and this scholarship opportunity. https://www.thekf.org/kf/about/reports/TheKF_Newseltter_Winter2018:en-us.pdf
Please know that other KF Scholarships will be posted to the KF web-site in the coming days.
Scholarship and Grant Officer for Americans
The Kosciuszko Foundation, Inc.
15 East 65th Street, New York, NY 10065
Tel. (212) 734 2130 ext. 412
E-mail: Addy@thekf.org