Post Eagle Newspaper


Jan 14, 2025

32°F, scattered clouds
New Jersey

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January With Full Circle In Fontana

Full Circle escaped from the frozen tundra of the east and came to Fontana, California to thaw out the weekend of January 25.  They lit up the Sons of Italy Hall with their music and personalities, and the audience responded by dancing their tootsies off. Marla Carney summed it up, “These guys are the best!”

full_circle_038forweb  We had little kids jumping around on Saturday thanks to Roger Malinowski, Jr., who resides in Southern California. Roger Jr. brought a small entourage of friends with kids in tow along with his wife and freshly minted daughter. Roger Jr. joined Full Circle on keyboard for a couple of sets and wowed us again. His mom, Linda, accompanied Roger Sr. on this tour – she wasn’t about to pass up the opportunity to spend time with her granddaughter. Not to be outdone, Marie DeWeese brought her young granddaughters on Sunday and they charmed everyone.

In photo on right: Mike Stapinski, Lenny Gomulka, Linda & Roger Malinowski catching some sun.

A gaggle of us stayed at the Hilton Garden Inn Saturday night where the band was sequestered. On Sunday morning it was a bit overcast , a numbing 68 degrees. The locals had on sweaters while the band lounged poolside hoping to grab a tan before they were shuttled to the dance.

The Sunday dance was jammed. Ed Dulude did a masterful job of emceeing the door raffle with wit and guile. We celebrated Darrel & Bo Swick’s fourth wedding anniversary and Gail & my 48th wedding anniversary. And, as is our custom, we closed out the proceeding s with all-hands in front of the stage for the last couple of numbers.

full_circle_001forweb  Gene Swick, Gail & I promoted the event and extend a big thanks to Lenny Gomulka, Mike Stapinski, Roger Malinowski, Jimmy Weber, Al Piatkowski, and Mike Matousek. If you want a great time, join Full Circle on their cruise to the Bahamas in mid-February.

In photo on right: Roger Malinowski Jr. and family