Post Eagle Newspaper


Feb 9, 2025

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IPA Honors Lenny Gomulka

On Sunday, February 21, 2016, the 11th Annual IPA (International Polka Association) Hall of Fame Benefit Dance was held at the Ludlow PACC, 355 East Street, Ludlow, Mass.

Each year, the IPA honors someone who has made significant contributions to the polka field. This year’s recipient was Lenny Gomulka.

Kevin Adams, Polka Hall of Famer and trumpet player in Lenny’s Chicago Push polka band, put together a beautiful ½ hour slide show of wonderful pictures of Lenny all throughout his career, with audio clips of many polka personalities congratulating Lenny on this wonderful occasion.  It was a very moving and emotional tribute and Lenny was truly touched.

030groupbandMusic for this tribute was provided by:
EFO (Eddie Forman Orchestra)
& Dennis Polisky and the Maestro’s Men.  Even Lenny Gomulka and his Chicago Push polka band played for the occasion.

The group shots that you see were of “all the IPA Polka Hall of Famers” who were in attendance. Happy Louis was in the wheelchair. What a powerhouse picture of some wonderful polka personalities and musicians.

In photo: Lenny  (second from left)

This event sells out every year and this year attendance topped out at over 300 people. Everyone had a great time.  People from all over the country fly in for this event. Mary Ann and I were so glad that we attended and could be a part of this wonderful affair.


By Neil Makatenas

029LennyIn photo on left: Lenny Gomulka

In photo on right: Neil and wife Mary Ann026Neil&wife

