Post Eagle Newspaper


Feb 18, 2025

32°F, scattered clouds
New Jersey

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Important Reminders…
Please Mark Your Calendars

Events for… PSAA, PNA Council, and Marie Slodowska Curie Professional Women’s Association

• SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2014 … District 7 celebrates Polish Singers Alliance of America’s 125th year fostering Polish Culture through Song …
* 9:00 am – 1:00 pm SEMINAR/ WORKSHOP Polish Professors share experiences on the value of introducing Polish songs and music to young people. Registration:   $20 includes lunch.
* 3:00 pm – a FREE GALA CONCERT presented by member choruses of the tri-state areas – CT, NJ, NY and Philadelphia, PA. plus, plus, plus. All are welcome!
* 7:00 – 11:00 pm – a fabulous DINNER-DANCE at Princess Manor 92 Nassau Avenue in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY 11222 – Hors d’oeuvres; Open Bar; Sit-down Dinner; Dancing to the music of Jeff Pogorzelski’s Orchestra and more. Charge: $100 per person. For reservations, please call 718-208-8818 ASAP.

• SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2014 – Adele Iwachow, President and the Officers of PNA’s COUNCIL 84 of South Brooklyn, NY cordially invite all Veterans, their Families and Friends to the WWII Monument located in the gardens of the Grande Prospect Hall 263 Prospect Avenue, between 5th and 6th Avenues in South Brooklyn to their 21st Annual WREATH-LAYING CEREMONY at 11:00 am followed by refreshments in the Oak Room of the Hall compliments of Michael and Alice Halkias. For info call 718-720-6089.

• FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2013 – the MARIE SKLODOWSKA CURIE PROFESSIONAL WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION will be holding its 19th Annual Dinner Dance at Princess Manor 92 Nassau Avenue in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY 11222 at which event the Anthony and Josephine Chmura Memorial   Scholarships will be awarded to the deserving recipients. For details and applications, visit MSCPWA’s website: For further information and/or making reservations for the event, call 718-720-6089 or 718-763-2074.