Get Involved In The Kosciuszko Foundation,
Just Like Albert Einstein!
Did you know that Albert Einstein acknowledged the mission of the Kosciuszko Foundation and he found Mizwa’s activities to be very crucial for the education of young people. He decided to support a KF event with his presence. In May 1943, on the 400th Anniversary of the death of Nicholas Copernicus, the Kosciuszko Foundation held a series of lectures and commemorative programs including one at Carnegie Hall where Albert Einstein was the principal speaker.
Please, help to further the mission of the Kosciuszko Foundation’s founder – Stephen Mizwa (in Polish Stefan Mierzwa) by becoming a member. Your loyalty is equally crucial as Albert Einstein’s. If you are already a member, thank you for your trustworthiness. Please consider upgrading your membership to create a greater impact on a young student’s future!
If you have any questions about upgrading your membership, call our office at: (212) 734-2130.
The Kosciuszko Foundation is located at 15 East 65th Street, New York, NY 10065.